Emergent Mind

MM1: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Multimodal LLM Pre-training

Published Mar 14, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.CL , and cs.LG


In this work, we discuss building performant Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs). In particular, we study the importance of various architecture components and data choices. Through careful and comprehensive ablations of the image encoder, the vision language connector, and various pre-training data choices, we identified several crucial design lessons. For example, we demonstrate that for large-scale multimodal pre-training using a careful mix of image-caption, interleaved image-text, and text-only data is crucial for achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) few-shot results across multiple benchmarks, compared to other published pre-training results. Further, we show that the image encoder together with image resolution and the image token count has substantial impact, while the vision-language connector design is of comparatively negligible importance. By scaling up the presented recipe, we build MM1, a family of multimodal models up to 30B parameters, including both dense models and mixture-of-experts (MoE) variants, that are SOTA in pre-training metrics and achieve competitive performance after supervised fine-tuning on a range of established multimodal benchmarks. Thanks to large-scale pre-training, MM1 enjoys appealing properties such as enhanced in-context learning, and multi-image reasoning, enabling few-shot chain-of-thought prompting.

MM1 demonstrates following instructions and reasoning across images, showcased with examples from VILA.


  • The paper discusses the development and evaluation of MM1, a series of scaled Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs), and explores architectural, data, and procedural approaches to enhance model performance.

  • It finds image resolution, model size, and pre-training data richness crucial for image encoders, whereas vision-language connector architecture has a minimal impact.

  • The study reveals the importance of diverse data mixtures, including captioning data and synthetic caption data, in improving zero-shot and few-shot learning capabilities of MLLMs.

  • Experiments with gradient clipping, learning rate scheduling, and a mixture-of-experts (MoE) variant highlighted effective training procedures and scaling mechanisms.

MM1: Insights from Multimodal Large Language Model Pre-training


The fusion of natural language processing and computer vision within the framework of LLMs marks a significant step towards more generalized artificial intelligence systems. These Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) are capable of understanding and generating content that spans both text and visual inputs, aiming to achieve a comprehensive understanding similar to human cognitive abilities. This paper presents the construction and evaluation of MM1, a series of scaled multimodal models, shedding light on various architectural, data-related, and procedural nuances critical to developing state-of-the-art MLLMs.

Model Architecture

Through meticulous experimentation on the architectural components of MLLMs, particularly focusing on image encoders and vision-language connectors, it was found that image resolution markedly influences model performance. Our study suggests a priority order for design considerations, highlighting the predominant impact of image resolution, followed by the model size and the richness of pre-training data for image encoders. On the other hand, the architecture of the vision-language connector exhibits a surprisingly minimal influence on the model's efficacy, suggesting a broader latitude in design choices without significantly compromising performance.

Data Considerations

A critical discovery of this research is the differential impact of data types on model performance. While captioning data largely improves zero-shot capabilities, a mixed dataset incorporating interleaved image-text documents and text-only data is pivotal for optimizing few-shot learning outcomes. This finding underscores the importance of a diverse data mixture in pre-training to cultivate a well-rounded model capable of handling a spectrum of multimodal tasks. Additionally, the inclusion of synthetic caption data, albeit constituting a minor fraction of the overall dataset, was found to significantly boost few-shot performance.

Training Procedure

The training of MM1 models adheres to a gradient clipping and learning rate scheduling approach, with experiments conducted across various scales to identify optimal hyperparameters. The inclusion of a mixture-of-experts (MoE) variant further underscores the exploration of efficient scaling mechanisms, demonstrating the efficacy of MoE models in enhancing performance.

Insights and Implications

The MM1 family, through extensive pre-training, showcases remarkable few-shot learning capabilities, enabling it to reason across multiple images and achieve competitive performance on established multimodal benchmarks. The detailed ablations and evaluations provide a roadmap for navigating the multitude of design and data choices integral to the development of performant MLLMs. This comprehensive study not only advances the current understanding of multimodal model training but also lays the groundwork for future explorations in scaling and optimizing these complex systems.

Future Directions

The insights garnered from the MM1 models illuminate potential pathways for advancing MLLMs, including further exploration of MoE architectures and refining data mixture strategies to enhance specific capabilities. The nuanced understanding of the relative impacts of architectural decisions and data choices invites continued experimentation to unlock new levels of performance and efficiency in multimodal models.

In conclusion, MM1's exploration into the intricacies of building performant MLLMs offers valuable lessons for the AI research community, paving the way for more sophisticated and capable multimodal intelligent systems.


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