Emergent Mind


The pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm has demonstrated its effectiveness and has become the standard approach for tailoring language models to various tasks. Currently, community-based platforms offer easy access to various pre-trained models, as anyone can publish without strict validation processes. However, a released pre-trained model can be a privacy trap for fine-tuning datasets if it is carefully designed. In this work, we propose PreCurious framework to reveal the new attack surface where the attacker releases the pre-trained model and gets a black-box access to the final fine-tuned model. PreCurious aims to escalate the general privacy risk of both membership inference and data extraction. The key intuition behind PreCurious is to manipulate the memorization stage of the pre-trained model and guide fine-tuning with a seemingly legitimate configuration. The effectiveness of defending against privacy attacks on a fine-tuned model seems promising, as empirical and theoretical evidence suggests that parameter-efficient and differentially private fine-tuning techniques are invulnerable to privacy attacks. But PreCurious demonstrates the possibility of breaking up invulnerability in a stealthy manner compared to fine-tuning on a benign model. By further leveraging a sanitized dataset, PreCurious can extract originally unexposed secrets under differentially private fine-tuning. Thus, PreCurious raises warnings for users who download pre-trained models from unknown sources, rely solely on tutorials or common-sense defenses, and previously release sanitized datasets even after perfect scrubbing.

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