Emergent Mind


3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) has recently demonstrated impressive capabilities in real-time novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. However, 3DGS heavily depends on the accurate initialization derived from Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods. When trained with randomly initialized point clouds, 3DGS fails to maintain its ability to produce high-quality images, undergoing large performance drops of 4-5 dB in PSNR. Through extensive analysis of SfM initialization in the frequency domain and analysis of a 1D regression task with multiple 1D Gaussians, we propose a novel optimization strategy dubbed RAIN-GS (Relaxing Accurate Initialization Constraint for 3D Gaussian Splatting), that successfully trains 3D Gaussians from random point clouds. We show the effectiveness of our strategy through quantitative and qualitative comparisons on multiple datasets, largely improving the performance in all settings. Our project page and code can be found at https://ku-cvlab.github.io/RAIN-GS.

Comparison of initialization methods on point clouds, including Ground truth, SfM, DSV, and SLV approaches.


  • Introduces RAIN-GS, a strategy to train 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) from randomly initialized point clouds, moving away from reliance on Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods.

  • Discusses the crucial role of initialization in 3DGS and contrasts SfM-derived and randomly-initialized point clouds.

  • Details RAIN-GS's approach combining sparse-large-variance random initialization and progressive Gaussian low-pass filtering to guide the learning process from coarse to fine details.

  • Empirical validation shows RAIN-GS's effectiveness in improving 3DGS performance and its potential to extend to sparse view scenarios, broadening the technique's applicability.

Novel Strategy for Training 3D Gaussian Splatting Without Accurate Initialization


3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a promising alternative for real-time novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, offering both high-quality results and real-time rendering capabilities. Nonetheless, its heavy dependency on accurate initialization derived from Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods limits its applicability, especially in scenarios where SfM techniques fail. This paper introduces a novel optimization strategy, RAIN-GS (Relaxing Accurate INitialization Constraint for 3D Gaussian Splatting), aimed at successfully training 3D Gaussians from randomly initialized point clouds, thus addressing the constraints tied to the necessity of accurately initialized point clouds from SfM.

Analysis of Initialization Methods

The paper begins by analyzing the significance of initialization in 3DGS, particularly focusing on the difference between SfM-derived point clouds and randomly-initialized ones. It details how SfM initialization offers a coarse approximation of the scene, thereby providing a solid foundation for subsequent refinements, in contrast to random initialization which often fails to capture such essential low-frequency information. Through the lens of frequency domain analysis and a simplified 1D regression task, the study underscores the importance of initially learning the coarse distribution to guide the optimization process effectively.

RAIN-GS Strategy

Building on this analysis, the research proposes RAIN-GS, an optimization strategy that blends two key components:

  1. Sparse-large-variance (SLV) random initialization - introducing a novel initialization method that starts with sparse 3D Gaussians endowed with large variance, encouraging the model to initially focus on learning the coarse, low-frequency components of the distribution.
  2. Progressive Gaussian low-pass filtering - a dynamic tactic in the rendering process that gradually sharpens the focus from coarse to fine details by modifying the extent of Gaussian low-pass filtering based on the iterative progress of training.

Experimental Validation

Empirical validations on standard datasets substantiate the efficacy of RAIN-GS. Comparisons demonstrate a marked improvement in performance across various metrics, affirming the strategy's capacity to guide the learning process towards a more robust understanding of the scene, even in the absence of precise initialization. Furthermore, the paper explores the potential extension of RAIN-GS to training 3DGS under sparse view settings, showcasing its ability to compensate for the limitations of SfM in such scenarios.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

Theoretically, this study elucidates the critical role of initialization in the convergence of 3D Gaussian models and the significance of prioritizing low-frequency component learning for robust optimization. Practically, by relaxing the stringent requirement for accurately initialized point clouds, RAIN-GS broadens the applicability of 3DGS to scenarios where acquiring such initialization is challenging or impossible. This breakthrough holds promising prospects for advancing real-time novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction technologies.

Future Directions

The paper closes by acknowledging limitations and envisioning future work. One noted limitation is the potential failure in detecting the need for densification to capture high-frequency details in certain scenarios, suggesting that further refinements in the strategy could enhance its efficacy. Future research directions include exploring additional supervision methods to overcome identified limitations and extending the strategy to a wider range of applications within the 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis fields.

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