Emergent Mind

Language models scale reliably with over-training and on downstream tasks

Published Mar 13, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Scaling laws are useful guides for developing language models, but there are still gaps between current scaling studies and how language models are ultimately trained and evaluated. For instance, scaling is usually studied in the compute-optimal training regime (i.e., "Chinchilla optimal" regime); however, in practice, models are often over-trained to reduce inference costs. Moreover, scaling laws mostly predict loss on next-token prediction, but ultimately models are compared based on downstream task performance. In this paper, we address both shortcomings. To do so, we create a testbed of 104 models with 0.011B to 6.9B parameters trained with various numbers of tokens on three data distributions. First, we investigate scaling in the over-trained regime. We fit scaling laws that extrapolate in both the number of model parameters and the ratio of training tokens to parameters. This enables us to predict the validation loss of a 1.4B parameter, 900B token run (i.e., 32$\times$ over-trained) and a 6.9B parameter, 138B token run$\unicode{x2014}$each from experiments that take 300$\times$ less compute. Second, we relate the perplexity of a language model to its downstream task performance via a power law. We use this law to predict top-1 error averaged over downstream tasks for the two aforementioned models using experiments that take 20$\times$ less compute. Our experiments are available at https://github.com/mlfoundations/scaling.

Scaling laws predict model validation loss and downstream error in over-trained regimes using compute and data ratios.


  • This paper presents an analysis of over-trained language models (LMs) and their performance on downstream tasks, deriving scaling laws through the examination of 104 models.

  • It highlights consistent scaling trends in over-trained regimes beyond compute-optimal levels and successfully predicts model performance, including for very large-scale models.

  • A novel relationship is established between a language model's perplexity and its performance on downstream tasks, enabling efficient performance prediction.

  • The research offers both theoretical insights into language model behavior and practical tools for predicting downstream task performance, suggesting avenues for future exploration.

Scaling Laws for Over-trained Language Models and Downstream Task Prediction

Introduction to Scaling in Over-trained Regime and Downstream Performance Prediction

In the realm of machine learning, particularly within the study of language models (LMs), understanding the behavior of models as they scale is crucial for both theoretical insight and practical application. Recent research has taken significant strides toward mapping the landscape of how language models scale, especially under the lens of compute and parameter size optimization, known as the "Chinchilla optimal" regime. However, a gap persists in our understanding, particularly regarding models that are over-trained to reduce inference costs and how these scaling laws translate into performance on downstream tasks rather than merely predicting next-token perplexity.

This analysis aims to bridge these gaps by conducting an extensive set of experiments characterizing the behavior of language models when over-trained and evaluating their performance on downstream tasks. Through the examination of 104 models, ranging from 0.011B to 6.9B parameters, trained with varying numbers of tokens and on different data distributions, we derive and validate scaling laws that accurately predict both over-trained model performance and downstream task effectiveness.

Over-training and Its Predictable Nature

Investigating the over-trained regime, we discovered that models display consistent scaling trends even when the training data volume significantly exceeds the compute-optimal level. Our analyses demonstrate that both the validation loss and the downstream task performance of these models can be accurately predicted by fitting scaling laws to small-scale experimental data. Notably, the study made successful predictions about the performance of exceptionally large-scale models (1.4B and 6.9B parameters), significantly reducing the computational expense required for direct evaluation.

Implications for Downstream Task Performance

Furthermore, we present a novel relationship between the perplexity of a language model and its performance on downstream tasks, framed within a power-law context. This finding is pivotal as it allows for the prediction of downstream performance solely from a model's perplexity, thereby offering a computationally efficient approach to estimate the practical utility of language models in real-world applications.

Theoretical and Practical Contributions

Theoretically, this work enhances our understanding of language model behavior in the over-trained regime, offering insights into how and why these models scale as they do. Practically, it provides a valuable tool for predicting downstream task performance, significantly impacting the development and application of LLMs by enabling more efficient resource allocation during training.

Future Directions

This research opens several avenues for future exploration, including refining the scaling laws to incorporate the effects of hyperparameter choices, validating the current findings with even larger models, and extending these laws to predict model performance on individual downstream tasks. Moreover, investigating the application of these scaling laws in the context of models fine-tuned with supervised or reinforcement learning methods could further augment their utility in applied settings.


Our experiments contribute landmark findings to the field of language model scaling by meticulously detailing the scaling behavior of over-trained models and relating model perplexity to downstream task performance in a quantifiable manner. These contributions not only advance our theoretical understanding of language model scaling laws but also offer practical tools for predicting the performance of these models in real-world applications.


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