Emergent Mind


The integration of generative AI in education is expanding, yet empirical analyses of large-scale and real-world interactions between students and AI systems still remain limited. Addressing this gap, we present RECIPE4U (RECIPE for University), a dataset sourced from a semester-long experiment with 212 college students in English as Foreign Language (EFL) writing courses. During the study, students engaged in dialogues with ChatGPT to revise their essays. RECIPE4U includes comprehensive records of these interactions, including conversation logs, students' intent, students' self-rated satisfaction, and students' essay edit histories. In particular, we annotate the students' utterances in RECIPE4U with 13 intention labels based on our coding schemes. We establish baseline results for two subtasks in task-oriented dialogue systems within educational contexts: intent detection and satisfaction estimation. As a foundational step, we explore student-ChatGPT interaction patterns through RECIPE4U and analyze them by focusing on students' dialogue, essay data statistics, and students' essay edits. We further illustrate potential applications of RECIPE4U dataset for enhancing the incorporation of LLMs in educational frameworks. RECIPE4U is publicly available at https://zeunie.github.io/RECIPE4U/.

RECIPE4U dataset shows EFL student-ChatGPT dialogues for essay revisions, with logs, intent, satisfaction, and edit history.


  • RECIPE4U introduces a dataset from a research study at KAIST, capturing semester-long interactions between EFL learners and ChatGPT to improve educational tools.

  • The dataset includes conversation logs, student intents, satisfaction ratings, and essay edits, facilitating analysis of student-ChatGPT interaction patterns.

  • Findings reveal students not only seek linguistic help but also discussion on content, and anthropomorphize ChatGPT, suggesting a pathway to engaging educational environments.

  • The study predicts future AI education tools to be more tailored to individual learning preferences, enhancing the efficacy of AI tutors in EFL and potentially transforming digital learning.

Exploring the Dynamics of Student-ChatGPT Interactions in EFL Writing Education with RECIPE4U

Introduction to RECIPE4U

The introduction of the RECIPE (Revising an Essay with ChatGPT on an Interactive Platform for EFL learners) platform represents a significant stride in leveraging LLMs for educational purposes, specifically within the realm of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing. Developed by a research team led by Jieun Han and Haneul Yoo at KAIST, South Korea, RECIPE4U serves as a comprehensive dataset capturing semester-long interactions between EFL learners and ChatGPT. This dataset not only empowers the detection of students' intents and their satisfaction levels with ChatGPT responses but also provides a foundation for understanding and enhancing LLM-integrated education.

Methodology and Dataset Overview

RECIPE4U is sourced from 212 EFL students over a semester, marking it as one of the first platforms to scrutinize real-world student-ChatGPT dialogues in the context of EFL education. The dataset is distinct in its inclusion of conversation logs, student intents, satisfaction ratings, and detailed essay edit histories. This multifaceted approach facilitates an in-depth analysis of student interaction patterns, informing the development of more effective educational tools.

The Core Contributions

  • Dataset Creation: The RECIPE4U dataset embodies a vast collection of dialogues between students and ChatGPT, covering varied educational contexts. By focusing on the semester-long educational journey, the dataset provides a rich resource for examining the utility and implications of ChatGPT in EFL writing instruction.
  • Baseline Models: The research introduces baseline models for intent detection and satisfaction estimation within this dataset. These models serve as a benchmark for future studies to improve upon, fostering advancements in educational applications of LLMs.
  • Interaction Analysis: An exploration of students' interaction patterns with ChatGPT is provided. The insights drawn from conversation logs and essay edits offer valuable implications for the design of LLM-enhanced educational technologies.

Key Findings and Implications

A detailed examination of the RECIPE4U dataset reveals that students not only sought linguistic corrections from ChatGPT but also engaged in elaborate discussions regarding essay content and organization. The analysis also uncovers a pattern of anthropomorphizing ChatGPT, where students treated the AI as a peer, suggesting a potential pathway to more engaging and less intimidating educational environments.

From an educational standpoint, the ability to detect student intent and satisfaction with AI responses presents a novel avenue for personalized learning experiences. Additionally, the dataset highlights areas for improvement in AI-driven educational tools, such as the need for more accurate and context-sensitive feedback mechanisms.

Predictions for Future Developments

The data derived from RECIPE4U paves the way for numerous future explorations in AI-enhanced education. It's conceivable that subsequent research will focus on optimizing LLM interactions tailored to individual learning styles and preferences, thereby increasing the efficacy of AI tutors in EFL and beyond. Furthermore, the role of AI in facilitating peer-like interactions suggests a transformative potential for digital learning, breaking down traditional barriers to student engagement.


RECIPE4U stands as a pioneering dataset, offering unprecedented insights into the interactions between EFL learners and ChatGPT. This research not only provides a solid foundation for future technological enhancements in LLM-integrated education but also encapsulates a critical shift towards a more interactive, personalized, and effective learning landscape. As LLMs continue to evolve, their integration into educational platforms, as exemplified by RECIPE4U, will undoubtedly reshape the terrain of language learning and teaching methodologies.

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