Emergent Mind

Fine-tuning Large Language Models with Sequential Instructions

Published Mar 12, 2024 in cs.CL


LLMs struggle to follow a sequence of instructions in a single query as they may ignore or misinterpret part of it. This impairs their performance in complex problems whose solution requires multiple intermediate steps, such as multilingual (translate then answer) and multimodal (caption then answer) tasks. We empirically verify this with open-source LLMs as large as LLaMA-2 70B and Mixtral-8x7B. Targeting the scarcity of sequential instructions in present-day data, we propose sequential instruction tuning, a simple yet effective strategy to automatically augment instruction tuning data and equip LLMs with the ability to execute multiple sequential instructions. After exploring interleaving instructions in existing datasets, such as Alpaca, with a wide range of intermediate tasks, we find that sequential instruction-tuned models consistently outperform the conventional instruction-tuned baselines in downstream tasks involving reasoning, multilingual, and multimodal abilities. To shed further light on our technique, we analyse how adversarial intermediate texts, unseen tasks, prompt verbalization, number of tasks, and prompt length affect SIT. We hope that this method will open new research avenues on instruction tuning for complex tasks.

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