Emergent Mind

Shining Light on Periodic Dominating Sets in Bounded-Treewidth Graphs

Published Mar 12, 2024 in cs.DS and cs.CC


For the vertex selection problem $(\sigma,\rho)$-DomSet one is given two fixed sets $\sigma$ and $\rho$ of integers and the task is to decide whether we can select vertices of the input graph, such that, for every selected vertex, the number of selected neighbors is in $\sigma$ and, for every unselected vertex, the number of selected neighbors is in $\rho$. This framework covers Independent Set and Dominating Set for example. We investigate the case when $\sigma$ and $\rho$ are periodic sets with the same period $m\ge 2$, that is, the sets are two (potentially different) residue classes modulo $m$. We study the problem parameterized by treewidth and present an algorithm that solves in time $m{tw} \cdot n{O(1)}$ the decision, minimization and maximization version of the problem. This significantly improves upon the known algorithms where for the case $m \ge 3$ not even an explicit running time is known. We complement our algorithm by providing matching lower bounds which state that there is no $(m-\epsilon){pw} \cdot n{O(1)}$ unless SETH fails. For $m = 2$, we extend these bound to the minimization version as the decision version is efficiently solvable.

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