Emergent Mind

Ab-initio variational wave functions for the time-dependent many-electron Schrödinger equation

Published Mar 12, 2024 in cond-mat.str-el , cs.LG , physics.chem-ph , physics.comp-ph , and quant-ph


Describing the dynamics of many-electron quantum systems is crucial for applications such as predicting electronic structures in quantum chemistry, the properties of condensed matter systems, and the behaviors of complex materials. However, the real-time evolution of non-equilibrium quantum electronic systems poses a significant challenge for theoretical and computational approaches, due to the system's exploration of a vast configuration space. This work introduces a variational approach for fermionic time-dependent wave functions, surpassing mean-field approximations by capturing many-body correlations. The proposed methodology involves parameterizing the time-evolving quantum state, enabling the approximation of the state's evolution. To account for electron correlations, we employ time-dependent Jastrow factors and backflow transformations. We also show that we can incorporate neural networks to parameterize these functions. The time-dependent variational Monte Carlo technique is employed to efficiently compute the optimal time-dependent parameters. The approach is demonstrated in three distinct systems: the solvable harmonic interaction model, the dynamics of a diatomic molecule in intense laser fields, and a quenched quantum dot. In all cases, we show clear signatures of many-body correlations in the dynamics not captured by mean-field methods. The results showcase the ability of our variational approach to accurately capture the time evolution of quantum states, providing insight into the quantum dynamics of interacting electronic systems, beyond the capabilities of mean-field.

Comparing monopole $Q$ predictions using tVMC approaches and exact solutions, showing indistinguishable results.


  • The paper introduces a novel variational approach for simulating the time evolution of many-electron systems, enhancing the understanding of quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics.

  • This method uses time-dependent variational Monte Carlo with Jastrow factors and backflow transformations to account for many-body correlations, going beyond traditional mean-field approximations.

  • It successfully demonstrates the accuracy of this approach in modeling the dynamics of various systems, including a harmonic interaction model, a diatomic molecule in intense laser fields, and a quenched quantum dot.

  • The work signifies a blend of traditional variational techniques and modern machine learning methodologies, indicating a significant advancement in the simulation of quantum dynamics.

A Novel Variational Approach for Simulating Time-dependent Many-electron Systems


The study of many-electron systems is pivotal for understanding a myriad of phenomena in quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics. Traditional methods, such as time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF), though widely used, often fall short in accurately capturing the complexities of electron-electron interactions due to their mean-field nature. In this context, the paper by Jannes Nys, Gabriel Pescia, and Giuseppe Carleo presents a significant advancement by introducing a variational methodology to simulate the time evolution of many-electron systems, going beyond mean-field approximations. Their approach, which employs time-dependent variational Monte Carlo (tVMC) with a focus on incorporating many-body correlations using Jastrow factors and backflow transformations, opens new avenues for studying quantum dynamics in an array of systems.


The authors detail a comprehensive methodological framework to approximate the time-evolving state of a quantum system governed by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE). Their key innovation lies in parameterizing the wave function's evolution, facilitated by the implementation of time-dependent variational principles (TDVP), specifically MacLachlan's variational principle. Through tVMC, this approach enables efficient computation of optimal time-dependent parameters, overcoming the previous limitations encountered in describing real-time quantum dynamics.

Wave-function Models

The paper elaborates on the construction of variational wave-function models adapted for fermionic systems, featuring time-dependent Jastrow factors and backflow transformations to account for electron correlations. Furthermore, the integration of neural networks provides a novel avenue for parameterizing these functions, showcasing the fusion of traditional variational techniques with contemporary machine learning methodologies.


The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated across three distinct systems, namely:

  1. The Harmonic Interaction Model: Showcasing clear signatures of many-body correlations in dynamics not captured by mean-field methods.
  2. Dynamics of a Diatomic Molecule in Intense Laser Fields: Illustrating the method's capability to accurately capture time-evolution in complex molecular systems.
  3. Quenched Quantum Dot: Highlighting the importance of including many-body correlations for understanding strongly interacting electronic systems.

The results underline the significant advantage of the variational approach in accurately capturing the quantum dynamics beyond the capabilities offered by mean-field approximations.

Conclusions and Future Work

This paper establishes a groundbreaking variational framework that effectively captures the time evolution of many-electron systems, marking a significant step forward in the simulation of quantum dynamics. The inclusion of many-body correlations opens up new possibilities for detailed investigations into the electronic structure of materials and molecules. Looking ahead, this method sets the stage for future explorations into larger systems and more complex scenarios, potentially revolutionizing our understanding of quantum materials and reactions.

The presented work emphasizes the ongoing evolution of computational methods in quantum physics, highlighting the convergence of traditional physics-based models and modern computational techniques. It paves the way for more sophisticated and accurate simulations, which are crucial for advancing our understanding of quantum systems.

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