Emergent Mind

A multiscale cavity method for sublinear-rank symmetric matrix factorization

Published Mar 11, 2024 in cs.IT , cond-mat.dis-nn , math-ph , math.IT , math.MP , math.ST , and stat.TH


We consider a statistical model for symmetric matrix factorization with additive Gaussian noise in the high-dimensional regime where the rank $M$ of the signal matrix to infer scales with its size $N$ as $M = o(N{1/10})$. Allowing for a $N$-dependent rank offers new challenges and requires new methods. Working in the Bayesian-optimal setting, we show that whenever the signal has i.i.d. entries the limiting mutual information between signal and data is given by a variational formula involving a rank-one replica symmetric potential. In other words, from the information-theoretic perspective, the case of a (slowly) growing rank is the same as when $M = 1$ (namely, the standard spiked Wigner model). The proof is primarily based on a novel multiscale cavity method allowing for growing rank along with some information-theoretic identities on worst noise for the Gaussian vector channel. We believe that the cavity method developed here will play a role in the analysis of a broader class of inference and spin models where the degrees of freedom are large arrays instead of vectors.

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