Emergent Mind

Shortcut Learning in Medical Image Segmentation

Published Mar 11, 2024 in eess.IV , cs.CV , and cs.LG


Shortcut learning is a phenomenon where machine learning models prioritize learning simple, potentially misleading cues from data that do not generalize well beyond the training set. While existing research primarily investigates this in the realm of image classification, this study extends the exploration of shortcut learning into medical image segmentation. We demonstrate that clinical annotations such as calipers, and the combination of zero-padded convolutions and center-cropped training sets in the dataset can inadvertently serve as shortcuts, impacting segmentation accuracy. We identify and evaluate the shortcut learning on two different but common medical image segmentation tasks. In addition, we suggest strategies to mitigate the influence of shortcut learning and improve the generalizability of the segmentation models. By uncovering the presence and implications of shortcuts in medical image segmentation, we provide insights and methodologies for evaluating and overcoming this pervasive challenge and call for attention in the community for shortcuts in segmentation.


  • Shortcut learning in medical image segmentation is explored, highlighting how easy patterns can mislead models, affecting their generalization to new data.

  • Two case studies demonstrate shortcut learning: clinical annotations in ultrasound images leading to decreased performance without annotations and zero-padding in CNNs with center-cropped training sets creating false feature patterns.

  • Mitigation strategies include removing annotations and adjusting training procedures with asymmetrically cropped images to improve model performance and stability.

  • The paper emphasizes the need for new methodologies to detect and mitigate shortcut learning, ensuring the reliability of machine learning models in clinical applications.

Shortcut Learning Phenomena in Medical Image Segmentation

Introduction to Shortcut Learning in Segmentation

Shortcut learning has been identified as a considerable challenge across the domain of machine learning, especially within tasks involving medical imaging. A model engaging in shortcut learning employs simple, easily discernible patterns in the training data which unfortunately do not generalize well to unseen data. While the existence and implications of shortcut learning have been extensively studied in the realm of image classification, there is scant literature examining its impact within the sphere of medical image segmentation. This gap in research is significant given that medical image segmentation requires high precision for clinical applications.

Medical Image Segmentation and Shortcut Learning

Medical image segmentation tasks offer a rich field for the application of deep learning. However, the accuracy and generalizability of models can be severely compromised by the presence of shortcuts. In this study, two different scenarios are explored to demonstrate how shortcut learning manifests in the context of medical image segmentation.

Shortcut A: Clinical Annotations in Ultrasound Images

The first case study explore organ segmentation within fetal ultrasound imagery, examining how clinical annotations, such as text and measurement calipers, can serve as shortcuts. Through careful experimentation, it is shown that models trained on annotated imagery experience a drop in performance when tested on images where these annotations are absent. Furthermore, real-time analysis during clinical scans highlighted fluctuations in segmentation predictions contingent upon the presence of these annotations, thereby demonstrating their role as shortcuts.

Mitigation Strategy

By training models on images where annotations were artfully removed, the shortcuts were mitigated, leading to improved model performance and stability. This finding underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing potential shortcuts in the development of medical imaging segmentation models.

Shortcut B: Zero-padding and Cropped Training Sets

The second case study focuses on skin lesion segmentation, showcasing how the combination of zero-padding in CNN architectures and center-cropped training sets can unintentionally create a shortcut. Pixels close to the image boundary, due to zero-padding, receive artificial feature patterns that almost invariably lead to their classification as background in the center-cropped training sets.

Mitigation Strategy

Adjusting the training procedure to include asymmetrically cropped images effectively mitigated the identified shortcut, thereby underscoring the nuanced nature of shortcut learning that can arise from seemingly inconsequential processing steps.

The Broader Implications and the Path Forward

This research illuminates the nuanced and multifaceted nature of shortcut learning in medical image segmentation. The findings underscore that shortcut learning is not confined to classification tasks but can significantly impact segmentation models. This realization calls for a more profound scrutiny and reevaluation of current practices in dataset preparation, model training, and architectural choices. Moreover, it prompts the need for novel methodologies capable of detecting and mitigating shortcuts in an automated and scalable manner.

Moving forward, it is pivotal for the research community to develop a more holistic understanding of shortcut learning which extends beyond the traditional realms of classification. Embracing this complexity is crucial for ensuring the reliability and clinical applicability of machine learning models in medical imaging and beyond. As we advance, embracing strategies to detect and curb shortcut learning early in model development will be instrumental in crafting robust machine learning solutions capable of withstanding the rigors of real-world clinical application.

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