Emergent Mind


Transformer-based models have gained widespread popularity in both the computer vision (CV) and NLP fields. However, significant challenges arise during post-training linear quantization, leading to noticeable reductions in inference accuracy. Our study focuses on uncovering the underlying causes of these accuracy drops and proposing a quantization-friendly fine-tuning method, \textbf{QuantTune}. Firstly, our analysis revealed that, on average, 65\% of quantization errors result from the precision loss incurred by the dynamic range amplification effect of outliers across the target Transformer-based models. Secondly, \textbf{QuantTune} adjusts weights based on the deviation of outlier activations and effectively constrains the dynamic ranges of the problematic activations. As a result, it successfully mitigates the negative impact of outliers on the inference accuracy of quantized models. Lastly, \textbf{QuantTune} can be seamlessly integrated into the back-propagation pass in the fine-tuning process without requiring extra complexity in inference software and hardware design. Our approach showcases significant improvements in post-training quantization across a range of Transformer-based models, including ViT, Bert-base, and OPT. QuantTune reduces accuracy drops by 12.09\% at 8-bit quantization and 33.8\% at 7-bit compared to top calibration methods, outperforming state-of-the-art solutions by over 18.84\% across ViT models.

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