Emergent Mind


We study Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning (RSRL) with the Optimized Certainty Equivalent (OCE) risk, which generalizes Conditional Value-at-risk (CVaR), entropic risk and Markowitz's mean-variance. Using an augmented Markov Decision Process (MDP), we propose two general meta-algorithms via reductions to standard RL: one based on optimistic algorithms and another based on policy optimization. Our optimistic meta-algorithm generalizes almost all prior RSRL theory with entropic risk or CVaR. Under discrete rewards, our optimistic theory also certifies the first RSRL regret bounds for MDPs with bounded coverability, e.g., exogenous block MDPs. Under discrete rewards, our policy optimization meta-algorithm enjoys both global convergence and local improvement guarantees in a novel metric that lower bounds the true OCE risk. Finally, we instantiate our framework with PPO, construct an MDP, and show that it learns the optimal risk-sensitive policy while prior algorithms provably fail.

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