Emergent Mind


Token-based text-to-speech (TTS) models have emerged as a promising avenue for generating natural and realistic speech, yet they grapple with low pronunciation accuracy, speaking style and timbre inconsistency, and a substantial need for diverse training data. In response, we introduce a novel hierarchical acoustic modeling approach complemented by a tailored data augmentation strategy and train it on the combination of real and synthetic data, scaling the data size up to 650k hours, leading to the zero-shot TTS model with 0.8B parameters. Specifically, our method incorporates a latent variable sequence containing supplementary acoustic information based on refined self-supervised learning (SSL) discrete units into the TTS model by a predictor. This significantly mitigates pronunciation errors and style mutations in synthesized speech. During training, we strategically replace and duplicate segments of the data to enhance timbre uniformity. Moreover, a pretrained few-shot voice conversion model is utilized to generate a plethora of voices with identical content yet varied timbres. This facilitates the explicit learning of utterance-level one-to-many mappings, enriching speech diversity and also ensuring consistency in timbre. Comparative experiments (Demo page: https://anonymous.4open.science/w/ham-tts/)demonstrate our model's superiority over VALL-E in pronunciation precision and maintaining speaking style, as well as timbre continuity.

HAM-TTS framework enhances semantic processing in TTS, building on VALL-E with unique aligner and codec models.


  • HAM-TTS introduces a method called Hierarchical Acoustic Modeling to enhance the quality of text-to-speech synthesis, focusing on accuracy and consistency in pronunciation, speaking style, and timbre.

  • It uses a blend of 650k hours of real and synthetic data for training, employing a novel data augmentation strategy and refined features through K-Means clustering.

  • The method was evaluated against VALL-E, a state-of-the-art model, showing superior performance in pronunciation accuracy and consistency in various zero-shot scenarios.

  • Future research will aim at optimizing synthetic data usage and model inference speed, while ethical considerations highlight the importance of managing potential misuse and privacy issues.

Hierarchical Acoustic Modeling for Enhanced Text-to-Speech Synthesis


The quest to enhance the quality and realism of synthesized speech has led to numerous advancements in text-to-speech (TTS) technologies. Among these, token-based TTS models hold significant promise for producing high-quality, natural speech. However, challenges such as low pronunciation accuracy, inconsistencies in speaking style and timbre, and the demand for extensive and diverse training data persist. Addressing these, we explore a novel approach titled Hierarchical Acoustic Modeling for Token-Based Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech with Model and Data Scaling (HAM-TTS). This method introduces a refined framework and data augmentation strategy, scaled up to 650k hours of combined real and synthetic data, significantly improving pronunciation accuracy and maintaining style and timbre consistency.

Hierarchical Acoustic Modeling in HAM-TTS

The hierarchical acoustic modeling (HAM) method at the core of HAM-TTS integrates a Latent Variable Sequence (LVS) containing supplementary acoustic information derived from refined self-supervised learning discrete units. This integration is accomplished by employing a predictor within the TTS model. The primary advancements brought forth by HAM include:

  • Pronunciation Accuracy: The incorporation of LVS significantly diminishes pronunciation errors by providing crucial acoustic cues.
  • Speaking Style Consistency: The use of K-Means clustering to refine HuBERT features removes personalized information, ensuring the speaking style is consistent with the audio prompt.
  • Timbre Consistency: The novel data augmentation strategy developed for HAM-TTS aids in enhancing the uniformity of timbre across synthesized speech.

Training with Real and Synthetic Data

An innovative aspect of HAM-TTS is its approach to training with a blend of real and synthetic data. This combination not only enriches the diversity of speech samples but also improves the model’s ability to maintain timbre consistency and style. Utilizing a pretrained few-shot voice conversion model facilitates the creation of a plethora of voices with identical content but varied timbres, thereby providing the model with a richer diversity of training samples.

Experimental Evaluation

Extensive comparative experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of HAM-TTS against VALL-E, a state-of-the-art baseline model. Notably, HAM-TTS demonstrated superior pronunciation precision and maintained speaking style as well as timbre continuity in various zero-shot scenarios. The results underscore the efficacy of hierarchical acoustic modeling, refined feature processing through K-Means clustering, and the strategic use of synthetic data in enhancing TTS synthesis quality.

Conclusion and Future Developments

The introduction of HAM-TTS and its hierarchical acoustic modeling approach marks a significant step forward in the realm of text-to-speech synthesis. The successful integration of supplementary acoustic information via LVS and the advanced data augmentation strategies significantly reduce pronunciation errors while ensuring consistent speaking style and timbre quality. Looking ahead, future research could explore the optimal amalgamation of synthetic data in relation to speaker diversity and speech duration per speaker. Additionally, enhancing the model’s inference speed could further bolster its applicability in real-time scenarios.

Ethical Considerations and Limitations

While HAM-TTS advances the capabilities of text-to-speech systems, it also necessitates consideration of ethical implications, particularly in terms of potential misuse and privacy concerns. The generation of synthetic training data, though innovative, introduces considerations about the authenticity and consent in voice mimicking. Moreover, the scalability and practical applications of HAM-TTS call for ongoing assessment to mitigate potential biases and promote equitable technology development.

In summary, HAM-TTS embodies a robust methodology for text-to-speech synthesis, fostering advancements that could transform interactive technologies and digital communication platforms.

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