Emergent Mind


Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) equipped with high-quality cameras have revolutionized the field of inspections by providing efficient and cost-effective means of conducting surveys. The use of autonomous inspection is becoming more widespread in a variety of contexts, yet it is still challenging to acquire the best inspection information autonomously. In situations where objects may block a robot's view, it is necessary to use reasoning to determine the optimal points for collecting data. Although researchers have explored cloud-based applications to store inspection data, these applications may not operate optimally under network constraints, and parsing these datasets can be manually intensive. Instead, there is an emerging requirement for AMRs to autonomously capture the most informative views efficiently. To address this challenge, we present an autonomous Next-Best-View (NBV) framework that maximizes the inspection information while reducing the number of pictures needed during operations. The framework consists of a formalized evaluation metric using ray-tracing and Gaussian process interpolation to estimate information reward based on the current understanding of the partially-known environment. A derivative-free optimization (DFO) method is used to sample candidate views in the environment and identify the NBV point. The proposed approach's effectiveness is shown by comparing it with existing methods and further validated through simulations and experiments with various vehicles.

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