Emergent Mind


In this paper, we investigate a data-driven framework to solve Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problems when the dynamics is unknown, with the additional challenge of providing stability certificates for the overall learning and control scheme. Specifically, in the proposed on-policy learning framework, the control input is applied to the actual (unknown) linear system while iteratively optimized. We propose a learning and control procedure, termed RELEARN LQR, that combines a recursive least squares method with a direct policy search based on the gradient method. The resulting scheme is analyzed by modeling it as a feedback-interconnected nonlinear dynamical system. A Lyapunov-based approach, exploiting averaging and singular perturbations theory for nonlinear systems, allows us to provide formal stability guarantees for the whole interconnected scheme. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is corroborated by numerical simulations, where RELEARN LQR is deployed on an aircraft control problem, with both static and drifting parameters.

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