Emergent Mind

Denoising Autoregressive Representation Learning

Published Mar 8, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.CV


In this paper, we explore a new generative approach for learning visual representations. Our method, DARL, employs a decoder-only Transformer to predict image patches autoregressively. We find that training with Mean Squared Error (MSE) alone leads to strong representations. To enhance the image generation ability, we replace the MSE loss with the diffusion objective by using a denoising patch decoder. We show that the learned representation can be improved by using tailored noise schedules and longer training in larger models. Notably, the optimal schedule differs significantly from the typical ones used in standard image diffusion models. Overall, despite its simple architecture, DARL delivers performance remarkably close to state-of-the-art masked prediction models under the fine-tuning protocol. This marks an important step towards a unified model capable of both visual perception and generation, effectively combining the strengths of autoregressive and denoising diffusion models.


  • DARL introduces a novel approach combining autoregressive and denoising diffusion models for visual representation and generation, using a decoder-only Transformer.

  • This approach achieves near-parity with state-of-the-art solutions using simple training regimes and enhances generative capabilities with diffusion objectives.

  • The paper highlights the importance of decomposed Rotary Positional Embedding and investigates the impacts of model scaling and noise schedules on performance.

  • DARL's unified model architecture suggests a reevaluation of generative pre-training's efficacy in visual tasks, offering insights for future research and applications.

Exploring DARL: A Unified Model for Visual Representation and Generation


In the pursuit of enhancing the capabilities of generative pre-training in computer vision, this paper introduces Denoising Autoregressive Representation Learning (DARL), a novel approach that marries the strengths of autoregressive and denoising diffusion models within a unified architecture. DARL employs a decoder-only Transformer tasked with predicting image patches autoregressively. Remarkably, this work demonstrates that performance closely aligns with state-of-the-art solutions, even under simple training regimes such as using Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss. Furthermore, by incorporating diffusion-based objectives, DARL subtly enhances its generative prowess, signaling an exciting progression toward versatile models capable of both sophisticated visual perception and generation.

Key Contributions

The paper makes several noteworthy contributions to the field of visual representation learning:

  • Denoising Autoregressive Learning: DARL innovatively combines autoregressive prediction with denoising diffusion mechanisms. This hybrid approach enables robust visual representation learning, exhibiting near-parity with leading masked prediction models under fine-tuning evaluations.
  • Positional Encoding Insights: Through extensive experimentation, the study underscores the efficacy of decomposed Rotary Positional Embedding (RoPE) for causal Transformers in visual tasks. This novel 2D RoPE outperforms traditional positional encoding schemes, particularly enhancing autoregressive models.
  • Model Scaling and Noise Schedules: The research presents an exploration into the impacts of model size, training duration, and noise schedules on learning outcomes. Findings reveal that larger models and longer trainings, along with optimized noise schedules, favorably influence model performance.
  • Efficacy of MSE and Diffusion Objectives: The study compares MSE loss against diffusion objectives for pre-training. Remarkably, MSE alone yields strong performance; however, diffusion objectives further refine generative capabilities, especially with tailored noise schedules and extended training regimes.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

From a theoretical standpoint, DARL's architecture prompts a reconsideration of generative pre-training's potential in visual tasks. It showcases that a unified model can adeptly handle both representation learning and image generation without compromising on performance. Practically, this work paves the way for more flexible and generalizable visual models that can be fine-tuned to a variety of downstream tasks with minimal performance loss, thereby broadening the applicability of generative models in real-world scenarios.

Future research could delve into refining the noise schedule and extending the model's capabilities to encompass more complex, multi-modal tasks. The insights regarding positional encoding also open avenues for further enhancing the Transformer architecture's applicability across various data types beyond images.


DARL marks a significant step towards realizing generative pre-training's full potential in vision. By adeptly blending autoregressive prediction with denoising diffusion processes within a cohesive framework, DARL not only matches but in some instances, surpasses the capabilities of contemporary benchmarks in visual representation learning. This research, by shedding light on the interactions between different model components and training objectives, contributes foundational knowledge that will undoubtedly inform the development of more advanced, versatile generative models in the future.

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