Emergent Mind


Entity Set Expansion (ESE) aims to identify new entities belonging to the same semantic class as a given set of seed entities. Traditional methods primarily relied on positive seed entities to represent a target semantic class, which poses challenge for the representation of ultra-fine-grained semantic classes. Ultra-fine-grained semantic classes are defined based on fine-grained semantic classes with more specific attribute constraints. Describing it with positive seed entities alone cause two issues: (i) Ambiguity among ultra-fine-grained semantic classes. (ii) Inability to define "unwanted" semantic. Due to these inherent shortcomings, previous methods struggle to address the ultra-fine-grained ESE (Ultra-ESE). To solve this issue, we first introduce negative seed entities in the inputs, which belong to the same fine-grained semantic class as the positive seed entities but differ in certain attributes. Negative seed entities eliminate the semantic ambiguity by contrast between positive and negative attributes. Meanwhile, it provide a straightforward way to express "unwanted". To assess model performance in Ultra-ESE, we constructed UltraWiki, the first large-scale dataset tailored for Ultra-ESE. UltraWiki encompasses 236 ultra-fine-grained semantic classes, where each query of them is represented with 3-5 positive and negative seed entities. A retrieval-based framework RetExpan and a generation-based framework GenExpan are proposed to comprehensively assess the efficacy of LLMs from two different paradigms in Ultra-ESE. Moreover, we devised three strategies to enhance models' comprehension of ultra-fine-grained entities semantics: contrastive learning, retrieval augmentation, and chain-of-thought reasoning. Extensive experiments confirm the effectiveness of our proposed strategies and also reveal that there remains a large space for improvement in Ultra-ESE.

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