Emergent Mind


Cross-view geo-localization aims to match images of the same target from different platforms, e.g., drone and satellite. It is a challenging task due to the changing both appearance of targets and environmental content from different views. Existing methods mainly focus on digging more comprehensive information through feature maps segmentation, while inevitably destroy the image structure and are sensitive to the shifting and scale of the target in the query. To address the above issues, we introduce a simple yet effective part-based representation learning, called shifting-dense partition learning (SDPL). Specifically, we propose the dense partition strategy (DPS), which divides the image into multiple parts to explore contextual-information while explicitly maintain the global structure. To handle scenarios with non-centered targets, we further propose the shifting-fusion strategy, which generates multiple sets of parts in parallel based on various segmentation centers and then adaptively fuses all features to select the best partitions. Extensive experiments show that our SDPL is robust to position shifting and scale variations, and achieves competitive performance on two prevailing benchmarks, i.e., University-1652 and SUES-200.

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