Emergent Mind

Accelerating Convergence of Score-Based Diffusion Models, Provably

Published Mar 6, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.IT , math.IT , math.OC , and stat.ML


Score-based diffusion models, while achieving remarkable empirical performance, often suffer from low sampling speed, due to extensive function evaluations needed during the sampling phase. Despite a flurry of recent activities towards speeding up diffusion generative modeling in practice, theoretical underpinnings for acceleration techniques remain severely limited. In this paper, we design novel training-free algorithms to accelerate popular deterministic (i.e., DDIM) and stochastic (i.e., DDPM) samplers. Our accelerated deterministic sampler converges at a rate $O(1/{T}2)$ with $T$ the number of steps, improving upon the $O(1/T)$ rate for the DDIM sampler; and our accelerated stochastic sampler converges at a rate $O(1/T)$, outperforming the rate $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ for the DDPM sampler. The design of our algorithms leverages insights from higher-order approximation, and shares similar intuitions as popular high-order ODE solvers like the DPM-Solver-2. Our theory accommodates $\ell_2$-accurate score estimates, and does not require log-concavity or smoothness on the target distribution.


  • This research paper introduces novel algorithms to speed up both deterministic and stochastic diffusion samplers, significantly enhancing sampling efficiency in generative AI models.

  • Advanced deterministic samplers utilize a higher-order approximation technique, improving iteration complexity and accelerating convergence rates dramatically.

  • The proposed stochastic sampler improves iteration complexity, facilitating faster sampling processes without sacrificing sample diversity or quality.

  • The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis, offering a non-asymptotic convergence guarantee and broadening the applicability to real-world scenarios with approximate score estimates.

Accelerating Score-Based Diffusion Models

Understanding the enhancements for generative AI

Generative models, in particular, score-based diffusion models, have become a cornerstone in the realm of generative AI, achieving state-of-the-art results in a wide array of domains. The remarkable success of these models, however, comes at a computational cost, with a notable bottleneck being the time-consuming sampling process. In response, recent efforts have been directed towards accelerating the sampling procedure while maintaining, or even improving, the quality of generated samples. This post explore a seminal piece of research that proposes novel algorithms to accelerate both deterministic and stochastic diffusion samplers, backed by rigorous theoretical analysis.

Deterministic Samplers: A Structured Approach

The paper presents an advanced deterministic sampler that builds upon the conventional Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM) approach. Unlike the original DDIM algorithm, which utilizes a linear approximation strategy for the reverse diffusion process, the proposed method incorporates a higher-order approximation technique inspired by the insights from second-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This refined approach allows for a theoretically proven faster convergence with an iteration complexity improving from the $O(1/\epsilon)$ of the original DDIM to $O(1/\sqrt{\epsilon})$, effectively quadrupling the acceleration in convergence rate for a given accuracy level $\epsilon$. This advancement holds promises in areas where rapid and efficient sampling is critical, promising to enhance the functionality and applicability of deterministic diffusion models.

Stochastic Samplers: Breaking New Ground

Turning to stochastic diffusion models, the paper introduces an innovative sampler designed to speed up the sampling process without compromising the diversity and quality of samples. Leveraging insights from a systematic examination of the conditional distributions involved in the diffusion process, the proposed sampler demonstrates an improvement in iteration complexity from $O(1/\epsilon2)$ for the original Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) to $O(1/\epsilon)$ for the enhanced stochastic sampler. This signifies a potential leap in the sampling efficiency for stochastic diffusion models, paving the way for their broader adoption in applications requiring a trade-off between sample diversity and computational efficiency.

Theoretical Insights and Practical Implications

A hallmark of this research lies in its theoretical rigor. Through meticulous analysis, the paper offers a non-asymptotic convergence guarantee for both proposed samplers, shedding light on the mathematical underpinnings that enable the acceleration. Importantly, the theory accommodates the practical reality of approximate score estimates, extending the applicability of the findings to real-world scenarios where perfect score functions are unattainable. Furthermore, the theoretical framework sets a precedent for the evaluation and development of future generative models, highlighting the importance of a foundational understanding to drive innovations in AI.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Generative Modeling

The advancements proposed in this paper represent a significant stride towards resolving the computational challenges inherent in score-based diffusion models. By coupling higher-order approximation techniques with a solid theoretical backbone, the new deterministic and stochastic samplers hold the promise of making generative AI more accessible and efficient. As we move forward, it is anticipated that these innovations will inspire further research and development, potentially unlocking new realms of creativity and efficiency in generative modeling. The journey towards more refined and computationally efficient generative models is far from over, but with contributions like these, the path ahead looks increasingly promising.

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