Emergent Mind


Despite the vast repository of global medical knowledge predominantly being in English, local languages are crucial for delivering tailored healthcare services, particularly in areas with limited medical resources. To extend the reach of medical AI advancements to a broader population, we aim to develop medical LLMs across the six most widely spoken languages, encompassing a global population of 6.1 billion. This effort culminates in the creation of the ApolloCorpora multilingual medical dataset and the XMedBench benchmark. In the multilingual medical benchmark, the released Apollo models, at various relatively-small sizes (i.e., 0.5B, 1.8B, 2B, 6B, and 7B), achieve the best performance among models of equivalent size. Especially, Apollo-7B is the state-of-the-art multilingual medical LLMs up to 70B. Additionally, these lite models could be used to improve the multi-lingual medical capabilities of larger models without fine-tuning in a proxy-tuning fashion. We will open-source training corpora, code, model weights and evaluation benchmark.

Apollo covers linguistic areas including English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Hindi.


  • The Apollo project aims to democratize medical AI by developing Lightweight Multilingual Medical LLMs for 6 billion people worldwide in six languages.

  • ApolloCorpora, a comprehensive multilingual medical dataset, has been created compiling medical texts in different languages to support Apollo's development.

  • Apollo models, particularly the Apollo-7B, have set new benchmarks in multilingual medical AI by outperforming equivalent models on the XMedBench.

  • The project underscores the potential of multilingual medical LLMs in making medical knowledge more accessible and transforming global healthcare.

Democratizing Medical AI with Apollo: Multilingual LLMs for Global Healthcare

Introduction to Apollo LLMs

The Apollo project represents a significant stride forward in democratizing medical AI by developing Lightweight Multilingual Medical LLMs that aim to make medical knowledge accessible to 6 billion people worldwide. By focusing on the six most widely spoken languages—English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, and Arabic—Apollo seeks to bridge the language divide in healthcare information and services. This initiative is underscored by the creation of two key resources: the ApolloCorpora, a multilingual medical dataset, and the XMedBench, a benchmark for evaluating multilingual medical LLMs.

Building ApolloCorpora: A Multilingual Medical Dataset

The ApolloCorpora dataset has been meticulously assembled to include high-quality, language-specific medical texts. Sources include medical books, papers, encyclopedias, doctor-patient dialogues, exams, and clinical guidelines, ensuring a rich and diverse corpus. This dataset not only encompasses the vast spectrum of medical knowledge across different languages but also respects the localized nuances and cultural specifics embedded within each language's medical discourse.

The Apollo LLMs: Breaking New Ground in Multilingual Medical AI

The Apollo models, ranging from 0.5B to 7B parameters, have demonstrated remarkable performance, often outperforming models of equivalent size in the multilingual medical benchmark, XMedBench. The Apollo-7B model, in particular, sets a new standard as the state-of-the-art multilingual medical LLM for up to 70B parameter models. The exploration into lightweight models, such as Apollo, signifies a pivotal step towards embedding advanced medical AI capabilities directly into healthcare systems, especially in regions with limited access to medical resources.

The XMedBench: A Benchmark for Progress

The XMedBench serves as a platform to evaluate the medical knowledge and linguistic capabilities of LMMs across different languages. It focuses on assessing models through multiple-choice questions, a format conducive to examining a model's understanding of complex medical concepts and its ability to reason and infer. Results from the XMedBench highlight the Apollo series' superior performance, underscoring the effectiveness of the Apollo models in bridging the gap between AI and medical knowledge across languages.

Practical Implications and Future Horizons

The Apollo project brings to the fore the potential impact of multilingual medical LLMs in transforming global healthcare. By making medical knowledge more accessible across linguistic divides, Apollo contributes significantly toward the democratization of medical AI. Moreover, the adoption of models like Apollo in healthcare systems worldwide could enhance the quality of care and patient outcomes, especially in under-resourced regions.

The project also opens new avenues for future research in AI and healthcare, such as optimizing dataset sampling, refining Proxy Tuning methods, and exploring the combination of different language models for enhanced multilingual capabilities. The open-sourcing of the ApolloCorpora and the Apollo models invites the global research community to contribute to these endeavors, fostering innovation and collaboration in the pursuit of making healthcare more accessible and equitable across the globe.


The Apollo project represents a monumental step toward democratizing medical AI through the development of multilingual medical LLMs. By making medical knowledge accessible in the world's most widely spoken languages, Apollo has the potential to revolutionize global healthcare, making it more inclusive and effective. As we look to the future, the continued exploration and improvement of multilingual medical AI hold the promise of a more informed and healthy global population.

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