Emergent Mind

Reliable, Adaptable, and Attributable Language Models with Retrieval

Published Mar 5, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Parametric language models (LMs), which are trained on vast amounts of web data, exhibit remarkable flexibility and capability. However, they still face practical challenges such as hallucinations, difficulty in adapting to new data distributions, and a lack of verifiability. In this position paper, we advocate for retrieval-augmented LMs to replace parametric LMs as the next generation of LMs. By incorporating large-scale datastores during inference, retrieval-augmented LMs can be more reliable, adaptable, and attributable. Despite their potential, retrieval-augmented LMs have yet to be widely adopted due to several obstacles: specifically, current retrieval-augmented LMs struggle to leverage helpful text beyond knowledge-intensive tasks such as question answering, have limited interaction between retrieval and LM components, and lack the infrastructure for scaling. To address these, we propose a roadmap for developing general-purpose retrieval-augmented LMs. This involves a reconsideration of datastores and retrievers, the exploration of pipelines with improved retriever-LM interaction, and significant investment in infrastructure for efficient training and inference.

Comparison of parametric LMs using internal data and retrieval-augmented LMs using external datastore text.


  • The paper introduces the concept of retrieval-augmented language models (RALMs), proposing them as a solution to the limitations of traditional parametric language models (LMs) such as factual inaccuracies and the difficulty of adaptation.

  • Parametric LMs are critiqued for their inability to adapt easily, verify generated content, and for the computational challenges associated with scaling.

  • RALMs, by leveraging external datastores, offer improvements in factual accuracy, content attribution, adaptability to new information, and parameter efficiency over traditional LMs.

  • The paper outlines empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of RALMs, discusses current challenges hindering their adoption, and proposes a roadmap for future research and development.

Advancing LLMs through Retrieval-Augmentation

Introduction to Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

In the ever-evolving landscape of NLP, the advent of LLMs such as GPT-4 represents a significant milestone due to their unprecedented understanding and generation capabilities. Despite these advancements, traditional parametric LMs exhibit notable weaknesses, including proneness to factual inaccuracies, difficulty in adaptation to new data distributions, and challenges in verifying the source of generated content. This position paper articulates a compelling argument for the transition towards retrieval-augmented language models (RALMs) as a superior alternative, capable of addressing these critical limitations by leveraging external datastores for inference.

The Limitations of Parametric LMs

Parametric LMs, by design, ingest extensive web data during training to internalize knowledge into their parameters. Despite their successes, these models are inherently limited by several factors:

  • Factual accuracies: The tendency to produce hallucinations or factual inaccuracies is notably heightened in parametric LMs, especially when dealing with long-tail knowledge.
  • Verification challenges: The output of these models often lacks clear attributions, making verification of generated content a daunting task.
  • Adaptation costs: The static nature of trained parameters complicates adaptation to new data distributions, requiring extensive retraining or fine-tuning.
  • Model scalability: The increasing size of LMs poses computational and environmental challenges, with diminishing returns on scaling up the model size.

The Promise of Retrieval-Augmented LMs

Retrieval-augmented LMs distinguish themselves by dynamically incorporating relevant external information from a large-scale datastore during inference, effectively addressing the limitations of parametric models:

  • They demonstrate a notable reduction in factual errors by directly referencing up-to-date external sources.
  • The model outputs are more easily verifiable and attributable due to the explicit use of external documents.
  • Flexibility in adapting to new information and data distributions is inherently improved through the update of the external datastore.
  • These models achieve higher parameter efficiency by not needing to internalize all knowledge within the model parameters.

Empirical Evidence Supporting RALMs

Retrieval-augmented LMs have shown considerable promise in various tasks, outperforming their parametric counterparts in many respects:

  • Knowledge-intensive tasks such as question answering and fact verification benefit significantly from direct access to source documents.
  • Domain adaptation is more effectively achieved by tailoring the datastore to include domain-specific information.
  • Model efficiency is demonstrated through the ability of RALMs to compete with or exceed the performance of larger parametric models with a fraction of the parameters.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite their potential, the widespread adoption of RALMs is hampered by several challenges:

  • Datastore and retriever functionality: The current reliance on semantic or lexical similarity limits the model's effectiveness beyond conventional tasks.
  • Retriever-LM interaction: The limited interaction between retrieval and generation components in current models restricts their full potential.
  • Infrastructure for scaling: There lacks a cohesive effort to develop infrastructure capable of supporting the efficient training and inference of RALMs at scale.

To overcome these obstacles, the paper proposes a comprehensive roadmap focusing on innovative architecture development, advanced training methodologies, and the creation of specialized infrastructure. The suggested improvements include redefining the notion of "relevance" for retrieval, exploring new model architectures that facilitate deeper integration between retrieval and language model components, and investing in open-source efforts and standardized implementations to lower the entry barrier for research on retrieval-augmented models.

Conclusion and Impact

The transition towards retrieval-augmented language models heralds a new era in NLP, promising improvements in reliability, adaptability, and attributability of generated outputs. This paper not only highlights the limitations of current parametric LMs but also charts a course for future research aimed at realizing the full potential of RALMs across a broader spectrum of applications. However, it is imperative to continue evaluating these models critically, ensuring they meet the evolving demands of real-world applications without introducing new forms of biases or inaccuracies.

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