Emergent Mind

Design2Code: How Far Are We From Automating Front-End Engineering?

Published Mar 5, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.CV , and cs.CY


Generative AI has made rapid advancements in recent years, achieving unprecedented capabilities in multimodal understanding and code generation. This can enable a new paradigm of front-end development, in which multimodal LLMs might directly convert visual designs into code implementations. In this work, we formalize this as a Design2Code task and conduct comprehensive benchmarking. Specifically, we manually curate a benchmark of 484 diverse real-world webpages as test cases and develop a set of automatic evaluation metrics to assess how well current multimodal LLMs can generate the code implementations that directly render into the given reference webpages, given the screenshots as input. We also complement automatic metrics with comprehensive human evaluations. We develop a suite of multimodal prompting methods and show their effectiveness on GPT-4V and Gemini Pro Vision. We further finetune an open-source Design2Code-18B model that successfully matches the performance of Gemini Pro Vision. Both human evaluation and automatic metrics show that GPT-4V performs the best on this task compared to other models. Moreover, annotators think GPT-4V generated webpages can replace the original reference webpages in 49% of cases in terms of visual appearance and content; and perhaps surprisingly, in 64% of cases GPT-4V generated webpages are considered better than the original reference webpages. Our fine-grained break-down metrics indicate that open-source models mostly lag in recalling visual elements from the input webpages and in generating correct layout designs, while aspects like text content and coloring can be drastically improved with proper finetuning.

Main topics in Design2Code benchmark webpages, summarizing their content focus.


  • The paper examines the ability of multimodal LLMs to translate visual web designs into functional HTML and CSS, aiming to simplify web development.

  • A novel benchmark with 484 real-world webpage designs tests the effectiveness of multimodal LLMs in this Design2Code task, promoting realistic evaluations.

  • Various multimodal LLMs were evaluated, with GPT-4V showing superior performance in accurately replicating and sometimes enhancing web page designs.

  • The study highlights the potentials and current limitations of using multimodal LLMs in automating front-end development and calls for responsible use of such technologies.

Automating Front-End Development: Evaluating the Performance of Multimodal LLMs in Converting Visual Designs into Code


The paper presents an in-depth study titled "Design2Code: How Far Are We From Automating Front-End Engineering?" focusing on the capability of multimodal LLMs to automate the process of converting visual webpage designs into functional HTML and CSS code. This process, termed as the Design2Code task, aims to bridge the gap between visual design and code implementation, potentially democratizing web development by making it accessible to those without extensive programming expertise.

The Design2Code Benchmark

To facilitate this study, the authors introduce a novel benchmark constituting 484 diverse, real-world webpage designs. These designs serve as test cases to evaluate the effectiveness of state-of-the-art multimodal LLMs in generating webpages from visual inputs. Unlike previous datasets that relied on synthetic or simplistic examples, the Design2Code benchmark emphasizes realistic and varied use cases representing a broad spectrum of complexity, domain distribution, and design elements encountered in actual web applications.

Methodology and Evaluation

The study utilizes a combination of automatic evaluation metrics and comprehensive human evaluations to assess model performance. The automatic metrics are designed to measure both high-level visual similarity and fine-grained element matching between the original and generated webpages. These metrics include assessments of bounding box matches, text content accuracy, element positioning, and color fidelity. In parallel, human evaluations provide insights into the subjective quality of the generated code, focusing on aspects such as design fidelity, functionality, and overall user experience.

Results and Analysis

The paper reports a detailed comparative analysis of various multimodal LLMs, including GPT-4V and Gemini Pro Vision, against the Design2Code benchmark. Remarkably, GPT-4V demonstrates superior performance in generating webpages that closely match the reference designs in terms of visual appearance and content. In fact, for a significant portion of the test cases, the generated webpages are considered by human evaluators to be on par with, or even superior to, the original designs. These findings underscore the potential of multimodal LLMs to not only replicate but also enhance web design concepts based on existing best practices.

Implications and Future Directions

This research sheds light on the current capabilities and limitations of multimodal LLMs in the domain of front-end web development. It suggests a promising direction towards automating the web development process, thereby making it more accessible to non-experts. However, the study also identifies areas for improvement, such as enhancing text content generation and refining layout and color accuracy through model finetuning and advanced prompting techniques.

Looking forward, the paper outlines several avenues for future research, including the development of more sophisticated prompting methods, exploring the feasibility of training models directly on real-world webpages, and extending the Design2Code task to include dynamic webpages and other visual design inputs. These efforts will not only advance our understanding of multimodal LLMs' capabilities but also pave the way for their practical application in automating and improving web development workflows.

Ethical Considerations

The paper concludes with a discussion on ethical considerations, emphasizing the need for responsible use of Design2Code technologies. The authors advocate for clear guidelines on ethical usage to mitigate potential risks, such as the generation of malicious websites or infringement on copyrighted designs.

In summary, the paper presents a pioneering study on automating the conversion of visual designs into code using multimodal LLMs. The introduced Design2Code benchmark and comprehensive evaluations mark a significant step forward in realizing the potential of LLMs to democratize front-end web development, offering a foundation for future research in this rapidly evolving field.

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