Emergent Mind

On the Asymptotic Mean Square Error Optimality of Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Published Mar 5, 2024 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have recently shown great potential for denoising tasks. Despite their practical utility, there is a notable gap in their theoretical understanding. This paper contributes novel theoretical insights by rigorously proving the asymptotic convergence of a specific DPM denoising strategy to the mean square error (MSE)-optimal conditional mean estimator (CME) over a large number of diffusion steps. The studied DPM-based denoiser shares the training procedure of DPMs but distinguishes itself by forwarding only the conditional mean during the reverse inference process after training. We highlight the unique perspective that DPMs are composed of an asymptotically optimal denoiser while simultaneously inheriting a powerful generator by switching re-sampling in the reverse process on and off. The theoretical findings are validated by numerical results.

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