Emergent Mind


We study the problem of differentially-private (DP) stochastic (convex-concave) saddle-points in the polyhedral setting. We propose $(\varepsilon, \delta)$-DP algorithms based on stochastic mirror descent that attain nearly dimension-independent convergence rates for the expected duality gap, a type of guarantee that was known before only for bilinear objectives. For convex-concave and first-order-smooth stochastic objectives, our algorithms attain a rate of $\sqrt{\log(d)/n} + (\log(d){3/2}/[n\varepsilon]){1/3}$, where $d$ is the dimension of the problem and $n$ the dataset size. Under an additional second-order-smoothness assumption, we improve the rate on the expected gap to $\sqrt{\log(d)/n} + (\log(d){3/2}/[n\varepsilon]){2/5}$. Under this additional assumption, we also show, by using bias-reduced gradient estimators, that the duality gap is bounded by $\log(d)/\sqrt{n} + \log(d)/[n\varepsilon]{1/2}$ with constant success probability. This result provides evidence of the near-optimality of the approach. Finally, we show that combining our methods with acceleration techniques from online learning leads to the first algorithm for DP Stochastic Convex Optimization in the polyhedral setting that is not based on Frank-Wolfe methods. For convex and first-order-smooth stochastic objectives, our algorithms attain an excess risk of $\sqrt{\log(d)/n} + \log(d){7/10}/[n\varepsilon]{2/5}$, and when additionally assuming second-order-smoothness, we improve the rate to $\sqrt{\log(d)/n} + \log(d)/\sqrt{n\varepsilon}$. Instrumental to all of these results are various extensions of the classical Maurey Sparsification Lemma, which may be of independent interest.

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