Emergent Mind

HARGPT: Are LLMs Zero-Shot Human Activity Recognizers?

Published Mar 5, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.HC


There is an ongoing debate regarding the potential of LLMs as foundational models seamlessly integrated with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) for interpreting the physical world. In this paper, we carry out a case study to answer the following question: Are LLMs capable of zero-shot human activity recognition (HAR). Our study, HARGPT, presents an affirmative answer by demonstrating that LLMs can comprehend raw IMU data and perform HAR tasks in a zero-shot manner, with only appropriate prompts. HARGPT inputs raw IMU data into LLMs and utilizes the role-play and think step-by-step strategies for prompting. We benchmark HARGPT on GPT4 using two public datasets of different inter-class similarities and compare various baselines both based on traditional machine learning and state-of-the-art deep classification models. Remarkably, LLMs successfully recognize human activities from raw IMU data and consistently outperform all the baselines on both datasets. Our findings indicate that by effective prompting, LLMs can interpret raw IMU data based on their knowledge base, possessing a promising potential to analyze raw sensor data of the physical world effectively.

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