Emergent Mind


The array is a data structure used in a wide range of programs. Its compact storage and constant time random access makes it highly efficient, but arbitrary indexing complicates the analysis of code containing array accesses. Such analyses are important for compiler optimisations such as bounds check elimination. The aim of this work is to gain a better understanding of how arrays are used in real-world programs. While previous work has applied static analyses to understand how arrays are accessed and used, we take a dynamic approach. We empirically examine various characteristics of array usage by instrumenting programs to log all array accesses, allowing for analysis of array sizes, element types, from where arrays are accessed and to which extent sequences of array accesses form recognizable patterns. The programs in the study were collected from the Renaissance benchmark suite, all running on the Java Virtual Machine. We account for characteristics displayed by the arrays investigated, finding that most arrays have a small size, are accessed by only one or two classes and by a single thread. On average over the benchmarks, 69.8% of the access patterns consist of uncomplicated traversals. Most of the instrumented classes (over 95%) do not use arrays directly at all. These results come from tracing data covering 3,803,043,390 array accesses made across 168,686 classes. While our analysis has only been applied to the Renaissance benchmark suite, the methodology can be applied to any program running on the Java Virtual Machine. This study, and the methodology in general, can inform future runtime implementations and compiler optimisations.

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