Emergent Mind


Distributed Stream Processing (DSP) focuses on the near real-time processing of large streams of unbounded data. To increase processing capacities, DSP systems are able to dynamically scale across a cluster of commodity nodes, ensuring a good Quality of Service despite variable workloads. However, selecting scaleout configurations which maximize resource utilization remains a challenge. This is especially true in environments where workloads change over time and node failures are all but inevitable. Furthermore, configuration parameters such as memory allocation and checkpointing intervals impact performance and resource usage as well. Sub-optimal configurations easily lead to high operational costs, poor performance, or unacceptable loss of service. In this paper, we present Demeter, a method for dynamically optimizing key DSP system configuration parameters for resource efficiency. Demeter uses Time Series Forecasting to predict future workloads and Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization to model runtime behaviors in relation to parameter settings and workload rates. Together, these techniques allow us to determine whether or not enough is known about the predicted workload rate to proactively initiate short-lived parallel profiling runs for data gathering. Once trained, the models guide the adjustment of multiple, potentially dependent system configuration parameters ensuring optimized performance and resource usage in response to changing workload rates. Our experiments on a commodity cluster using Apache Flink demonstrate that Demeter significantly improves the operational efficiency of long-running benchmark jobs.

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