Emergent Mind

Decode Neural signal as Speech

Published Mar 4, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Decoding language from brain dynamics is an important open direction in the realm of brain-computer interface (BCI), especially considering the rapid growth of LLMs. Compared to invasive-based signals which require electrode implantation surgery, non-invasive neural signals (e.g. EEG, MEG) have attracted increasing attention considering their safety and generality. However, the exploration is not adequate in three aspects: 1) previous methods mainly focus on EEG but none of the previous works address this problem on MEG with better signal quality; 2) prior works have predominantly used teacher-forcing" during generative decoding, which is impractical; 3) prior works are mostlyBART-based" not fully auto-regressive, which performs better in other sequence tasks. In this paper, we explore the brain-to-text translation of MEG signals in a speech-decoding formation. Here we are the first to investigate a cross-attention-based ``whisper" model for generating text directly from MEG signals without teacher forcing. Our model achieves impressive BLEU-1 scores of 60.30 and 52.89 without pretraining & teacher-forcing on two major datasets (\textit{GWilliams} and \textit{Schoffelen}). This paper conducts a comprehensive review to understand how speech decoding formation performs on the neural decoding tasks, including pretraining initialization, training & evaluation set splitting, augmentation, and scaling law.

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