Emergent Mind

The Hidden Attention of Mamba Models

Published Mar 3, 2024 in cs.LG


The Mamba layer offers an efficient selective state space model (SSM) that is highly effective in modeling multiple domains, including NLP, long-range sequence processing, and computer vision. Selective SSMs are viewed as dual models, in which one trains in parallel on the entire sequence via an IO-aware parallel scan, and deploys in an autoregressive manner. We add a third view and show that such models can be viewed as attention-driven models. This new perspective enables us to empirically and theoretically compare the underlying mechanisms to that of the self-attention layers in transformers and allows us to peer inside the inner workings of the Mamba model with explainability methods. Our code is publicly available.

Evolution of Mamba and Transformer attention matrices across layers at various depths.


  • The paper presents a novel understanding of Mamba models, showing they contain a hidden attention mechanism similar to transformers, enhancing their explainability.

  • It offers an in-depth analysis of the selective state-space layers in Mamba models, demonstrating their capability for capturing extensive patterns through an unseen form of causal self-attention.

  • Developed tools for the interpretability of Mamba models are introduced, creating the first explainability techniques tailored for these models, which were tested in practical applications.

  • The findings not only link Mamba models closer to their transformer counterparts but also open new avenues for research in AI explainability and model architectures.

Unveiling the Implicit Attention Mechanism within Mamba Models and its Implications for AI Explainability

Introduction to Mamba Models and Their Hidden Attention Mechanism

Recent advancements in selective state space models, notably the Mamba model, have garnered attention for their impressive performance across a spectrum of tasks within NLP, computer vision, and beyond. Characterized by their linear computational complexity and the ability to efficiently parallelize training processes, Mamba models have been shown to provide significant throughput improvements over traditional Transformers, particularly in autoregressive tasks. However, despite their growing adoption, a comprehensive understanding of the learning dynamics and information flow within these models remained elusive.

The crux of this paper introduces a novel perspective on the Mamba model, revealing an underlying attention mechanism akin to that found in transformers but functioning in a hidden, implicit manner. This finding not only bridges the conceptual gap between Mamba models and transformers but also opens the door to applying established interpretability techniques from the transformer domain to Mamba models, a significant leap forward in the quest for explainable AI (XAI).

Fundamental Insights into Mamba’s Attention Mechanism

The paper offers an in-depth analysis of the selective state-space layers at the heart of Mamba models, demonstrating their operation as a form of causal self-attention. This insight is built upon the reformulation of Mamba computation through a data-control linear operator, which cleverly unveils hidden attention matrices within the model. Such matrices were shown to outnumber those in traditional Transformers by three orders of magnitude, a finding that underscores the extensive and finely-grained pattern of dependencies Mamba layers can capture.

Exploratory Tools for Mamba Models

Leveraging the discovered hidden attention mechanism, the researchers developed a suite of tools for the interpretability and explainability of Mamba models. This marks a pioneering effort in making these models more accessible for debugging, analysis, and application in high-stakes domains where understanding model decisions is crucial. Comparison of Mamba model-based attention with those of transformers revealed comparable explainability metrics, highlighting the potential for these tools to bring transparency to Mamba model operations.

Practical Applications and Theoretical Implications

The paper does more than unveil the hidden workings of the Mamba model; it applies this newfound understanding to create the first XAI techniques tailored for Mamba models. These techniques, adapted from methods originally developed for transformers, provide indispensable insights into both the class-specific and class-agnostic behavior of these models. Through extensive experiments, including perturbation and segmentation tests, the authors demonstrate the utility of these tools in practical applications, from enhancing model interpretability to facilitating weakly supervised tasks such as image segmentation.

Future Directions

This work opens several avenues for future research. Given the shared foundations between Mamba and self-attention mechanisms, there's potential for novel model architectures that leverage the best of both worlds. Additionally, the XAI techniques introduced here for Mamba models may spur further developments in explainability methods, not just for state-space models but also for newer attention mechanisms and hybrid models. Such advancements could significantly impact the development, deployment, and trust in AI systems across various domains.


In summary, this paper not only sheds light on the underlying mechanics of Mamba models but also establishes a pivotal link to their transformer counterparts, uniting two powerful paradigms under the framework of implicit attention mechanisms. The introduction of explainability tools tailored for Mamba models represents a significant stride towards bridging the explainability gap in AI, ensuring these models can be applied responsibly and effectively in real-world settings. As we move forward, the insights and methodologies presented in this work will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape of AI research and applications.


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