Emergent Mind


LLMs frequently hallucinate and produce factual errors, yet our understanding of why they make these errors remains limited. In this study, we delve into the underlying mechanisms of LLM hallucinations from the perspective of inner representations, and discover a salient pattern associated with hallucinations: correct generations tend to have sharper context activations in the hidden states of the in-context tokens, compared to the incorrect ones. Leveraging this insight, we propose an entropy-based metric to quantify the ``sharpness'' among the in-context hidden states and incorporate it into the decoding process to formulate a constrained decoding approach. Experiments on various knowledge-seeking and hallucination benchmarks demonstrate our approach's consistent effectiveness, for example, achieving up to an 8.6 point improvement on TruthfulQA. We believe this study can improve our understanding of hallucinations and serve as a practical solution for hallucination mitigation.

Activation patterns for true and false answers signal factuality in transformer models, using CounterFact data.


  • The paper investigates hallucinations in LLMs, where incorrect information is generated, by analyzing the sharpness of in-context activations in the model's hidden states.

  • It introduces an entropy-based metric to quantify the sharpness of these activations, finding that lower entropy (sharper activations) is associated with more factual outputs.

  • A new constrained decoding approach, named Activation Decoding, is proposed, utilizing the sharpness metric to improve the factuality of LLM outputs across multiple benchmarks.

  • The method demonstrates scalability and compatibility with existing decoding strategies, offering a novel avenue for enhancing LLM reliability without extensive resources.

In-Context Sharpness as Alerts: A Novel Perspective for Reducing Hallucinations in LLMs


Hallucination in LLMs has been a persistent challenge, where models often generate information not grounded in input data or known facts. This paper presents a novel perspective on understanding and mitigating hallucinations in LLMs by examining the sharpness of in-context activations within the models' hidden states. Through extensive empirical studies, we identify a consistent pattern: correct generations tend to have sharper context activations than incorrect ones. Leveraging this insight, we introduce an entropy-based metric to quantify in-context sharpness and incorporate it into the decoding process to enhance the factuality of generated outputs.

In-Context Sharpness: Theoretical Underpinnings

Our investigation into the mechanisms of LLM hallucinations reveals that the in-context activations of correct answers exhibit significantly sharper patterns compared to incorrect ones, particularly in intermediate layers. To capture this phenomenon, we define an entropy-based metric that reflects the sharpness of in-context activations. Lower entropy indicates sharper activations and, consequently, a higher likelihood of factually correct output. This metric is validated on benchmarks like CounterFact, showing its effectiveness in distinguishing between true and false answers.

Activation Decoding: Practical Applications

Building on our theoretical findings, we propose Activation Decoding, a constrained decoding approach that integrates the entropy-based metric to adjust the next-token probability distribution during the model's generation process. This method significantly enhances the factuality of outputs across various benchmarks and sizes of LLMs, as demonstrated in our experiments. Moreover, it showcases strong compatibility with existing decoding methods, offering a new tool for improving LLM reliability in practical applications.

Empirical Validation and Implications

Our empirical studies span multiple datasets and tasks, including both knowledge-seeking and truthfulness-related benchmarks. The consistent improvement across different model sizes and tasks underscores the robustness of our approach. Notably, our method not only outperforms existing baselines but also demonstrates an ability to scale with larger model sizes, indicating its potential for further applications in more advanced LLMs.

Towards a More Reliable Future for LLMs

The insights gleaned from our research have practical implications for enhancing the reliability and trustworthiness of LLMs. By focusing on the inner workings and hidden states of these models, we offer a novel approach to mitigating hallucination without the need for extensive external knowledge bases or high computational resources. As the field of LLMs continues to evolve, approaches like ours will be crucial in addressing the inherent challenges of factuality and reliability in AI-generated content.

Moving Forward: Considerations and Future Work

While our method marks a significant step forward, it is not a panacea for all types of hallucinations, particularly those requiring external knowledge updates or corrections. Future work will need to explore complementary strategies for addressing these challenges. Moreover, the balance between decoding efficiency and effectiveness poses an ongoing area for optimization and innovation. As we continue to unravel the complexities of LLMs, the pursuit of more reliable and factual AI models remains a critical endeavor for the research community.

In summary, this paper presents a groundbreaking effort to understand and mitigate hallucinations in LLMs through the lens of in-context sharpness. Our approach not only sheds light on the inner mechanisms of correctness in LLMs but also offers a practical solution to enhance their reliability across a wide range of applications.

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