Emergent Mind


Graph generation has emerged as a crucial task in machine learning, with significant challenges in generating graphs that accurately reflect specific properties. Existing methods often fall short in efficiently addressing this need as they struggle with the high-dimensional complexity and varied nature of graph properties. In this paper, we introduce the Neural Graph Generator (NGG), a novel approach which utilizes conditioned latent diffusion models for graph generation. NGG demonstrates a remarkable capacity to model complex graph patterns, offering control over the graph generation process. NGG employs a variational graph autoencoder for graph compression and a diffusion process in the latent vector space, guided by vectors summarizing graph statistics. We demonstrate NGG's versatility across various graph generation tasks, showing its capability to capture desired graph properties and generalize to unseen graphs. This work signifies a significant shift in graph generation methodologies, offering a more practical and efficient solution for generating diverse types of graphs with specific characteristics.


  • The Neural Graph Generator (NGG) utilizes latent diffusion models to efficiently generate graphs with specific properties, marking a significant advancement in machine learning on graphs.

  • NGG outperforms traditional graph generative models by compressing graphs into latent representations and using a latent diffusion process tailored to graph statistics for precise property conditioning.

  • Experimental evaluations show NGG's superiority in accurately capturing a wide range of graph properties, offering potential for applications like drug discovery and social network analysis.

  • Future enhancements of NGG aim at improving its ability to capture complex properties more accurately and its applicability to real-world scenarios.

Neural Graph Generator: Unveiling the Potential through Latent Diffusion Models


The quest for efficient graph generation techniques capable of producing graphs with particular properties is an evolving domain within the field of machine learning on graphs. The emergence of the Neural Graph Generator (NGG) marks a significant advancement in this domain. NGG leverages latent diffusion models to generate graphs that not only exhibit specific properties but also show remarkable versatility in handling unseen data and partial property information.

Existing Graph Generative Models

The landscape of graph generative models features a range of approaches, including Auto-Regressive models, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Normalizing Flows, and Diffusion models. Despite their capabilities, most models are tailored to specific graph types like molecules or proteins, focusing intently on capturing complex structural semantics. Traditional models such as the Erdős–Rényi model and the Barabási-Albert model, while practiced, often neglect multiple network properties, indicating a gap in the methodology.

The Neural Graph Generator Approach

The NGG introduces a methodological shift towards generating graphs, optimizing a variational graph autoencoder's efficiency and a diffusion model's versatility. Key features of the NGG include:

  • Graph Compression: Leveraging a variational graph autoencoder, NGG efficiently compresses graphs into latent representations, which are later used to reconstruct the graphs.
  • Latent Diffusion Model: The NGG applies the diffusion process in the latent space, guided by vectors summarizing graph statistics, which significantly improves model efficiency and versatility.
  • Conditioning on Properties: NGG excels in conditioning the graph generation on a set of diverse properties, showcasing its ability to generate graphs closely matching specific characteristics.

Experimental Evaluation and Insights

The NGG model was subjected to a rigorous evaluation involving a dataset of 1M synthetic graphs across 17 families. It outperformed baseline models, especially in capturing a broad range of graph properties with remarkable accuracy. Additionally, the model demonstrated an adeptness in generalizing to graph sizes beyond the training set and handling partial information about the desired graph properties.

Challenges remain, particularly in accurately capturing properties related to triangles and minimum degrees. The NGG model's performance with partial condition vectors reveals areas for further optimization, indicating that while impressive, there's room for refinement.

Future Directions

Looking ahead, the NGG model presents a fertile ground for innovation in graph generation. Future research could explore enhancing the model's ability to capture complex properties more accurately and efficiently. Furthermore, tailoring the model for specific real-world applications, such as drug discovery or social network analysis, could significantly impact various sectors.


The development of the Neural Graph Generator represents a considerable stride in graph generation methodologies. By effectively melding latent diffusion models with graph autoencoding techniques, NGG offers a versatile solution that meticulously crafts graphs with desired characteristics. Its success lays the groundwork for future innovations in graph generative models, promising exciting developments in machine learning on graphs.

This comprehensive exploration underscores the NGG's potential, illustrating its strengths and pinpointing areas for future enhancement. As we advance, the continued evolution of graph generative models like NGG will undoubtedly contribute profoundly to the analysis and synthesis of complex networks across numerous domains.

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