Emergent Mind


Emotions are a central aspect of communication. Consequently, emotion analysis (EA) is a rapidly growing field in NLP. However, there is no consensus on scope, direction, or methods. In this paper, we conduct a thorough review of 154 relevant NLP publications from the last decade. Based on this review, we address four different questions: (1) How are EA tasks defined in NLP? (2) What are the most prominent emotion frameworks and which emotions are modeled? (3) Is the subjectivity of emotions considered in terms of demographics and cultural factors? and (4) What are the primary NLP applications for EA? We take stock of trends in EA and tasks, emotion frameworks used, existing datasets, methods, and applications. We then discuss four lacunae: (1) the absence of demographic and cultural aspects does not account for the variation in how emotions are perceived, but instead assumes they are universally experienced in the same manner; (2) the poor fit of emotion categories from the two main emotion theories to the task; (3) the lack of standardized EA terminology hinders gap identification, comparison, and future goals; and (4) the absence of interdisciplinary research isolates EA from insights in other fields. Our work will enable more focused research into EA and a more holistic approach to modeling emotions in NLP.


  • The paper offers a detailed review of 154 NLP publications on Emotion Analysis (EA), highlighting how emotions are categorized, prevailing emotion frameworks, data sources, and applications.

  • Identifies lack of consideration for demographic and cultural contexts in EA studies, urging future research to encompass a broader understanding of emotions across varied populations.

  • Points out the necessity for diversifying emotion categories and frameworks, standardizing terminology, and encouraging interdisciplinary research to advance EA in NLP.

  • Speculates on the potential of more inclusive and culturally sensitive AI systems through addressing current gaps in EA research, and fostering closer ties between NLP and fields like psychology.

Emotion Analysis in NLP: An In-Depth Survey on Current Practices and Future Directions

Introduction to Emotion Analysis

Emotion Analysis (EA) is a notable area of exploration within the field of NLP, mirroring the significance and complexity of human emotions in communication. This survey meticulously reviews 154 pertinent NLP publications from the last decade, focusing on how EA tasks are defined, the dominant emotion frameworks, considerational gaps regarding the subjectivity of emotions in demographic and cultural contexts, and the principal NLP applications of EA. Our analysis sheds light on current trends, significant gaps, and provides a strategic roadmap for future research in EA.

Current Trends and Practices in EA

Our survey highlights several key aspects of current EA practices in NLP:

  • Emotion Frameworks and Modeling: The majority of EA studies leverage well-established emotion frameworks such as Ekman and Plutchik, with a strong inclination towards categorizing emotions into discrete classes. This categorization aligns with prevailing machine learning paradigms but limits the granularity and nuance of emotion understanding.
  • Datasets and Annotations: There exists an abundance of datasets, primarily centering around emotion recognition in conversations with a notable reliance on English language sources. While a rich variety of sources is utilized, ranging from social media posts to narrative texts, there is a manifest scarcity in datasets that cover a broader spectrum of emotions or consider demographic and cultural variability in emotion perception.
  • Applications of EA: The scope of EA extends across various domains including, but not limited to, dialogue systems, narrative text analysis, and mental health applications. The prominence of dialogue emotion recognition reflects the growing interest in developing empathetic and responsive AI systems.

Identified Gaps and Future Directions

This survey underscores four critical areas requiring attention and improvement in future EA research:

  • Demographic and Cultural Considerations: The absence of demographic and cultural considerations in most EA studies starkly contrasts with the inherent subjectivity and variability of human emotions. Future research must incorporate these factors to achieve a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of emotions.
  • Diversity of Emotion Categories and Frameworks: The prevailing use of specific emotion frameworks restricts the adaptability and applicability of EA techniques. Future efforts should diversify the range of emotions studied and explore alternative frameworks that better capture the complex nature of human emotions.
  • Standardization of Terminology: The survey points out the inconsistent use of terminology within the EA domain, which could lead to confusion and hinder the progress of this research area. A standardized nomenclature tailored to distinct EA tasks could facilitate clearer communication and collaboration within the research community.
  • Interdisciplinary Research: The lacuna in interdisciplinary research isolates EA from potentially enriching insights from psychology, social sciences, and humanities. A more integrative approach could unveil novel methodologies and theoretical foundations, consequently enhancing NLP models' ability to grasp and analyze human emotions.

Implications and Speculations

The implications of addressing these gaps are extensive. Considering demographic and cultural factors can lead to the development of more inclusive and sensitive AI systems capable of understanding a wider array of human emotions. Diversifying emotion categories and frameworks could enhance the applicability of EA across different domains and tasks, from improving customer service interactions to supporting mental health assessments. Additionally, a unified nomenclature and interdisciplinary collaboration could significantly advance the field's methodological rigor and theoretical depth.

Looking forward, the integration of demographic information and the exploration of nuanced emotion categories may pave the way for personalized NLP applications. These applications could better respect and reflect the rich diversity of human emotional experiences, leading to technology that is more empathetic and culturally aware. Furthermore, the synergy between NLP and disciplines such as psychology could result in innovative models that more accurately mirror the complexity of human emotions, setting new standards for AI's emotional intelligence.


This survey provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in EA within NLP, highlighting the important trends, gaps, and future directions. By addressing the identified lacunae, the NLP community can forge a path towards more nuanced, inclusive, and effective emotion analysis, fostering systems that better encapsulate the breadth of human experience. The roadmap outlined herein not only aims to prompt focused research efforts but also advocates for a holistic approach to emotion modeling, essential for the next leaps forward in AI's emotional comprehension.

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