Emergent Mind

Validation of ML-UQ calibration statistics using simulated reference values: a sensitivity analysis

Published Mar 1, 2024 in stat.ML , cs.LG , and physics.chem-ph


Some popular Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification (ML-UQ) calibration statistics do not have predefined reference values and are mostly used in comparative studies. In consequence, calibration is almost never validated and the diagnostic is left to the appreciation of the reader. Simulated reference values, based on synthetic calibrated datasets derived from actual uncertainties, have been proposed to palliate this problem. As the generative probability distribution for the simulation of synthetic errors is often not constrained, the sensitivity of simulated reference values to the choice of generative distribution might be problematic, shedding a doubt on the calibration diagnostic. This study explores various facets of this problem, and shows that some statistics are excessively sensitive to the choice of generative distribution to be used for validation when the generative distribution is unknown. This is the case, for instance, of the correlation coefficient between absolute errors and uncertainties (CC) and of the expected normalized calibration error (ENCE). A robust validation workflow to deal with simulated reference values is proposed.


  • The paper discusses the importance of validating calibration statistics in machine learning uncertainty quantification (ML-UQ) using simulated reference values.

  • It addresses the challenge of the absence of predefined reference values for calibration quality assessment and proposes a novel approach using synthetic calibrated datasets derived from actual uncertainties.

  • Sensitivity of calibration statistics, particularly correlation coefficient (CC) and expected normalized calibration error (ENCE), to the choice of generative distribution (D) is analyzed.

  • The research underlines the necessity for a rigorous validation workflow, including sensitivity analysis, to ensure the reliability of ML-UQ calibration statistics.

Validation of Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification Through Simulated Reference Values


The assessment and validation of uncertainty in predictions made by machine learning models are fundamental aspects that ensure their reliability and applicability in real-world scenarios. Among the various tools available, calibration statistics play a critical role in the quantification and understanding of uncertainty within machine learning predictions. However, the validation of these statistics often presents challenges, primarily due to the lack of predefined reference values. This obstacle limits our ability to comprehensively assess the calibration quality of predictive models. Addressing this issue, the paper presents an analytical exploration into the validation of Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification (ML-UQ) calibration statistics using simulated reference values, with a focus on assessing sensitivity to the choice of generative distribution.

Key Concepts and Methodology

The paper dives into the intricacies of calibration statistics lacking predefined reference values and proposes the novel use of simulated reference values created from synthetic calibrated datasets. These datasets are derived from actual uncertainties, employing a generative probability distribution, referred to as (D), to simulate synthetic errors. The main thrust of the study revolves around the sensitivity of these simulated reference values to the choice of (D), which is often unconstrained, casting doubt on calibration diagnostics.

The research specifically scrutinizes the correlation coefficient between absolute errors and uncertainties (CC), and the expected normalized calibration error (ENCE), along with their susceptibility to the choice of (D). A proposed workflow recommends practices for robust validation, including the consideration of alternative distributions for generating synthetic errors and assessing the impact on calibration statistics.

Findings and Implications

The findings point to a pronounced sensitivity of certain calibration statistics to the choice of (D), particularly for CC and ENCE. This sensitivity underscores the potential limitations in using these statistics for validation purposes when the generative distribution remains unknown. The research accentuates the necessity for a rigorous validation workflow, incorporating sensitivity analysis to ensure the reliability of simulated reference values.

The practical implications of this research are significant for practitioners in machine learning and AI. By establishing a robust framework for the validation of ML-UQ calibration statistics, the paper facilitates a deeper understanding and more accurate interpretation of uncertainty quantification metrics, ultimately contributing to the development of more reliable predictive models.

Future Directions in AI and Machine Learning

The study instigates several avenues for future research, especially in developing methods to constrain the choice of generative distribution or in finding alternative approaches for validating calibration statistics without reliance on simulated reference values. Furthermore, the exploration of additional calibration statistics and their validation mechanisms could enrich the toolkit available for ML-UQ, enhancing the interpretability and trustworthiness of machine learning models across various domains.


This paper enriches the dialogue on Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification by addressing a critical gap in the validation of calibration statistics. Through meticulous analysis and the introduction of a validated workflow, it paves the way for more rigorous and reliable practices in quantifying and validating uncertainty in machine learning predictions. As the field of AI continues to evolve, such foundational research will be paramount in harnessing the full potential of machine learning models, ensuring their applicability and trustworthiness in decision-making processes across industries.

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