Emergent Mind


We present a framework, DISORF, to enable online 3D reconstruction and visualization of scenes captured by resource-constrained mobile robots and edge devices. To address the limited compute capabilities of edge devices and potentially limited network availability, we design a framework that efficiently distributes computation between the edge device and remote server. We leverage on-device SLAM systems to generate posed keyframes and transmit them to remote servers that can perform high quality 3D reconstruction and visualization at runtime by leveraging NeRF models. We identify a key challenge with online NeRF training where naive image sampling strategies can lead to significant degradation in rendering quality. We propose a novel shifted exponential frame sampling method that addresses this challenge for online NeRF training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in enabling high-quality real-time reconstruction and visualization of unknown scenes as they are captured and streamed from cameras in mobile robots and edge devices.

DISORF pipeline distributes computation between mobile robot/edge and remote server for efficient processing and NeRF training.


  • DISORF introduces a distributed framework for online NeRF training and rendering on mobile robots, enabling real-time, high-quality 3D scene reconstruction.

  • The framework divides computational tasks between edge devices and remote servers, with pose estimation on the former and NeRF training on the latter.

  • A novel sampling strategy, shifted exponential frame sampling, is introduced to improve rendering quality by emphasizing recent frames during online NeRF training.

  • Experiments demonstrate superior performance in real-time scene reconstruction, suggesting potential for advancements in autonomous navigation and augmented reality.

DISORF: A Novel Framework for Online NeRF Training and Visualization on Mobile Robots


The domain of online 3D reconstruction and visualization, especially when leveraging Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) for dynamic environments, stands as a cornerstone for a myriad of applications in robotics and augmented reality. The recent work titled "DISORF: A Distributed Online NeRF Training and Rendering Framework for Mobile Robots" by Chunlin Li et al., addresses critical challenges associated with deploying NeRF on resource-constrained mobile robots and edge devices, such as drones. This research introduces a novel distributed framework, DISORF, aimed at enabling real-time, high-quality 3D scene reconstruction and visualization by efficiently managing computational workloads between edge devices and remote servers.

Key Contributions

  • Distributed Computation between Edge and Server: DISORF proposes a framework that tactfully divides the computational tasks primarily into pose estimation performed on the edge device and the computationally intensive NeRF training on a remote server. This distribution is crucial for circumventing the limitations posed by the insufficient computational power on edge devices.
  • Shifted Exponential Frame Sampling Method: A significant insight from this work is the identification of a challenge with naive image sampling strategies in online NeRF training, leading to compromised rendering quality. The authors introduce a novel sampling strategy, termed shifted exponential frame sampling, designed to overcome this issue by dynamically adjusting the emphasis on more recent frames during training iterations.
  • Integration with SLAM Systems: The framework adeptly leverages on-device Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems to generate posed keyframes, which are then transmitted to remote servers for NeRF training and rendering. This integration not only enhances the robustness of pose estimation but also facilitates efficient data transmission over potentially limited network bandwidth.

Findings and Implications

Through comprehensive experiments on different scenes from the Replica and Tanks and Temples datasets, the DISORF framework demonstrated superior performance in enabling high-quality real-time scene reconstruction and visualization. The shifted exponential frame sampling method, in particular, showed a marked improvement over traditional uniform sampling approaches and other incremental learning strategies like that employed by iMAP. This implies a promising direction for optimizing online NeRF training mechanisms to yield better rendering quality. Moreover, when applied to different 3D representation methods like 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), the proposed sampling strategy still enhanced the rendering quality, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness.

Looking Ahead

The successful deployment of DISORF opens multiple avenues for future exploration and development in real-time 3D reconstruction and visualization. Potential applications extend across autonomous navigation, remote surveillance, dynamic scene understanding, and augmented reality, especially in resource-constrained environments. Further research could explore optimizing the network protocols for more efficient data transmission, extending the framework to support a wider variety of edge devices and scaling the distributed computation model to leverage cloud computing resources for larger scale deployments.

Furthermore, integrating the framework with advanced SLAM algorithms could further refine the pose estimation and keyframe generation, potentially enabling even more detailed and accurate 3D reconstructions. Finally, examining the adaptability of the shifted exponential frame sampling method across other implicit neural representation models could yield insights into more universally applicable techniques for enhancing online NeRF training regimes.


DISORF represents a significant step forward in the domain of online 3D reconstruction and visualization, particularly for mobile robotics applications. By addressing the computational challenges and proposing an innovative sampling strategy, this research not only advances our capabilities in real-time 3D scene rendering but also sets the stage for future innovations that could further revolutionize our interaction with and understanding of dynamic environments.

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