Emergent Mind

Future of Pandemic Prevention and Response CCC Workshop Report

Published Feb 29, 2024 in cs.CY


This report summarizes the discussions and conclusions of a 2-day multidisciplinary workshop that brought together researchers and practitioners in healthcare, computer science, and social sciences to explore what lessons were learned and what actions, primarily in research, could be taken. One consistent observation was that there is significant merit in thinking not only about pandemic situations, but also about peacetime advances, as many healthcare networks and communities are now in a perpetual state of crisis. Attendees discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic amplified gaps in our health and computing systems, and how current and future computing technologies could fill these gaps and improve the trajectory of the next pandemic. Three major computing themes emerged from the workshop: models, data, and infrastructure. Computational models are extremely important during pandemics, from anticipating supply needs of hospitals, to determining the care capacity of hospital and social service providers, to projecting the spread of the disease. Accurate, reliable models can save lives, and inform community leaders on policy decisions. Health system users require accurate, reliable data to achieve success when applying models. This requires data and measurement standardization across health care organizations, modernizing the data infrastructure, and methods for ensuring data remains private while shared for model development, validation, and application. Finally, many health care systems lack the data, compute, and communication infrastructures required to build models on their data, use those models in ordinary operations, or even to reliably access their data. Robust and timely computing research has the potential to better support healthcare works to save lives in times of crisis (e.g., pandemics) and today during relative peacetime.

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