Emergent Mind

Heavy-Tailed Class Imbalance and Why Adam Outperforms Gradient Descent on Language Models

Published Feb 29, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.CL , math.OC , and stat.ML


Adam has been shown to outperform gradient descent in optimizing large language transformers empirically, and by a larger margin than on other tasks, but it is unclear why this happens. We show that the heavy-tailed class imbalance found in language modeling tasks leads to difficulties in the optimization dynamics. When training with gradient descent, the loss associated with infrequent words decreases slower than the loss associated with frequent ones. As most samples come from relatively infrequent words, the average loss decreases slowly with gradient descent. On the other hand, Adam and sign-based methods do not suffer from this problem and improve predictions on all classes. To establish that this behavior is indeed caused by class imbalance, we show empirically that it persist through different architectures and data types, on language transformers, vision CNNs, and linear models. We further study this phenomenon on a linear classification with cross-entropy loss, showing that heavy-tailed class imbalance leads to ill-conditioning, and that the normalization used by Adam can counteract it.


  • The paper investigates why the Adam optimizer outperforms stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in training LLMs, attributing the difference to heavy-tailed class imbalance in language data.

  • Experiments across various models demonstrate Adam's consistency in dealing with low-frequency classes, unlike SGD, which struggles, thereby underlining the importance of uniform class learning speeds.

  • Theoretical analysis highlights Adam's preconditioning capability as a key factor in overcoming the challenges posed by heavy-tailed class imbalance, normalizing gradient magnitudes for balanced training.

  • The findings suggest potential for optimizing algorithms in fields beyond language modeling that suffer from class imbalance, and present simple modifications to improve SGD's performance.

Heavy-Tailed Class Imbalance: Exploring Adam's Superiority over Gradient Descent in Language Models


The optimization of LLMs is crucial for advancing the field of NLP. An interesting observation made in recent times is the distinct advantage that the Adam optimizer holds over traditional stochastic gradient descent (SGD) when training these models. The paper discussed here explore understanding this phenomenon, attributing the performance disparity to the heavy-tailed class imbalance inherent in language modelling tasks.

Heavy-Tailed Class Imbalance

Language data characteristically displays a heavy-tailed class distribution, where a significant number of classes (or words) are relatively infrequent. Traditional gradient descent methods tend to make slow progress on these low-frequency classes, negatively impacting overall training efficiency. Contrarily, Adam and similar sign-based methods do not exhibit this limitation, thereby facilitating uniform class learning speeds. The researchers empirically substantiate their argument through experiments across various models—including language transformers and vision CNNs—highlighting the generalizability of their findings beyond language data.

Experimental Insights

The distinction between Adam and SGD becomes particularly pronounced when observing training performance disaggregated by class frequency. Experiments demonstrate that while SGD struggles with low-frequency classes—barely making progress—the training loss for these classes reduces much more uniformly under Adam. This behavior persists across different architectures and data types, reinforcing the core thesis that heavy-tailed class imbalance significantly contributes to the optimization gap between Adam and SGD. Intriguingly, the implementation of simpler optimizers, such as sign descent, reveals that altering the update direction rather than magnitude (as done by Adam) is essential for mitigating class imbalance effects.

Theoretical Perspectives

On a linear model exhibiting heavy-tailed class imbalance, it was evidenced that both the scale of gradient and Hessian reflect class frequencies, which leads to ill-conditioning—a situation where gradient descent performance degrades due to vastly different convergence speeds across classes. Adam's efficiency, in this context, could be partially attributed to its preconditioning capability, which approximately counteracts the ill-conditioning by normalizing gradient magnitudes. This finding suggests that, at least for softmax classification on linear models, Adam indirectly caters to the differential scaling induced by class frequencies, facilitating a more balanced training dynamic.

Broader Implications

This paper not only elucidates why Adam outperforms SGD in the context of LLMs but also sheds light on potential improvements across various fields where class imbalance is prevalent. The insights provided could lead to the development of new optimization algorithms or adjustments to existing ones—especially in tasks beyond language modeling. Moreover, the demonstrated effectiveness of simple modifications, such as loss reweighting, provides practical avenues for enhancing SGD's performance, narrowing the gap with Adam.

Future Directions

The comprehensive analysis presented sparks a plethora of questions for future research. Specifically, understanding the full ramifications of heavy-tailed class imbalance on model generalization and exploring other model architectures where similar optimization dynamics might be at play are compelling directions. The observed correlation between gradient scale and Hessian in the context of class frequencies also opens up theoretical avenues for developing novel optimizers or enhancing existing ones to leverage this relationship more explicitly.

In summary, the paper provides a thorough examination of the challenges posed by heavy-tailed class imbalance in optimizing LLMs, revealing the underlying reasons for Adam's superiority over SGD. Acting on these insights can not only improve the training efficiency of LLMs but also inform optimization strategies in other domains facing similar issues.

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