Emergent Mind


Knowledge editing aims to inject knowledge updates into language models to keep them correct and up-to-date. However, its current evaluation strategies are notably impractical: they solely update with well-curated structured facts (triplets with subjects, relations, and objects), whereas real-world knowledge updates commonly emerge in unstructured texts like news articles. In this paper, we propose a new benchmark, Unstructured Knowledge Editing (UKE). It evaluates editing performance directly using unstructured texts as knowledge updates, termed unstructured facts. Hence UKE avoids the laborious construction of structured facts and enables efficient and responsive knowledge editing, becoming a more practical benchmark. We conduct extensive experiments on newly built datasets and demonstrate that UKE poses a significant challenge to state-of-the-art knowledge editing methods, resulting in their critical performance declines. We further show that this challenge persists even if we extract triplets as structured facts. Our analysis discloses key insights to motivate future research in UKE for more practical knowledge editing.

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