Emergent Mind

Deep Learning for 3D Human Pose Estimation and Mesh Recovery: A Survey

Published Feb 29, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.MM


3D human pose estimation and mesh recovery have attracted widespread research interest in many areas, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics. Deep learning on 3D human pose estimation and mesh recovery has recently thrived, with numerous methods proposed to address different problems in this area. In this paper, to stimulate future research, we present a comprehensive review of recent progress over the past five years in deep learning methods for this area by delving into over 200 references. To the best of our knowledge, this survey is arguably the first to comprehensively cover deep learning methods for 3D human pose estimation, including both single-person and multi-person approaches, as well as human mesh recovery, encompassing methods based on explicit models and implicit representations. We also present comparative results on several publicly available datasets, together with insightful observations and inspiring future research directions. A regularly updated project page can be found at https://github.com/liuyangme/SOTA-3DHPE-HMR.


  • The paper surveys recent methodologies in 3D Human Pose Estimation (HPE) and Human Mesh Recovery (HMR), highlighting advances driven by deep learning.

  • It discusses the standard architecture of deep learning systems for 3D HPE and HMR, including encoder-decoder models and learning strategies.

  • Differentiates approaches in single-person and multi-person 3D pose estimation, emphasizing strategies for depth ambiguity, occlusions, and data scarcity.

  • Examines advances in human mesh recovery, comparing template-based and template-free methods, and concludes with potential future directions for the field.

Deep Learning Advances in 3D Human Pose Estimation and Mesh Recovery

Introduction to the Field

The field of 3D Human Pose Estimation (HPE) and Human Mesh Recovery (HMR) continues to evolve rapidly, driven by deep learning advances. These technologies play a pivotal role in interpreting human actions and behaviors from digital images and video data. This survey provides a comprehensive review of recent methodologies, highlighting both single-person and multi-person approaches in 3D pose estimation and the nuanced domain of human mesh recovery. We explore a wide range of techniques, including those based on explicit models and implicit representations, offering insights into their comparative results, practical applications, and emerging challenges.

Deep Learning Frameworks in 3D HPE and HMR

A fundamental architecture underpins most deep learning systems for 3D HPE and HMR, comprising data collection, feature extraction, model learning, and output generation. Encoder-decoder models remain prevalent, with feature extraction leveraging architectures like ResNet and HRNet, and decoders often developed on frameworks like MLP or Transformer. Learning strategies such as weakly supervised and unsupervised learning are adopted to mitigate data dependency issues. Outputs are typically represented in forms such as keypoints, mesh, and voxels, providing detailed and comprehensive 3D representations of human bodies.

Single-Person 3D Pose Estimation Strategies

In dealing with single-person 3D HPE, methodologies can be categorized based on resolving depth ambiguity, understanding body structure, addressing occlusions, and mitigating data scarcity. Approaches exploiting depth ambiguity adapt optical principles, while others focus on capturing body structure through joint or limb awareness. Occlusion issues are often tackled with multi-view techniques, leveraging cross-view frame inference for reliability. Data scarcity is increasingly addressed through transfer learning and self-supervised learning tactics, highlighting a shift towards reducing dependence on extensive labeled datasets.

Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation

The complexity of multi-person scenarios demands innovative solutions. Strategies span from top-down methods, which first detect then estimate poses, to bottom-up approaches, assembling detected keypoints into individual poses. Recent trends suggest a growing preference for single-stage, end-to-end methodologies that amalgam top-down and bottom-up benefits, streamlining the estimation process and enhancing efficiency.

Advances in Human Mesh Recovery

Human mesh recovery is categorized into template-based and template-free methods. While template-based approaches offer robustness through predefined models, they often lag in capturing intricate details. Conversely, template-free methods offer flexibility but may lack in stability and precise pose estimation. Emerging research focuses on combining the strengths of implicit and explicit modeling, aiming to achieve detailed yet robust human mesh recovery.

Evaluation Metrics and Datasets

The evaluation of 3D HPE and HMR methods employs various metrics such as MPJPE, MPJAE, MPJLE, and MPVPE, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of performance across different aspects. Notable datasets like Human3.6M, 3DPW, and MPI-INF-3DPH provide essential benchmarks, driving advancements in the field through rigorous testing and comparison.

Practical Applications and Future Directions

Applications of 3D HPE and HMR span motion retargeting, action recognition, security monitoring, SLAM, autonomous driving, and human-computer interaction, among others. These technologies' growing integration into real-world applications underscores their significance and the need for ongoing refinement and innovation. Looking ahead, challenges such as detailed reconstruction, addressing crowding and occlusion, and achieving real-time performance on edge devices present fertile areas for future research.


The field of 3D HPE and HMR stands at a significant juncture, with deep learning technologies pushing the boundaries of what's possible. As researchers address current limitations and explore new methodologies, the future promises even more accurate, robust, and efficient systems capable of understanding and interpreting human movement and intent in three-dimensional space.

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