Emergent Mind


Key-Value (KV) Caching has become an essential technique for accelerating the inference speed and throughput of generative LLMs~(LLMs). However, the memory footprint of the KV cache poses a critical bottleneck in LLM deployment as the cache size grows with batch size and sequence length, often surpassing even the size of the model itself. Although recent methods were proposed to select and evict unimportant KV pairs from the cache to reduce memory consumption, the potential ramifications of eviction on the generative process are yet to be thoroughly examined. In this paper, we examine the detrimental impact of cache eviction and observe that unforeseen risks arise as the information contained in the KV pairs is exhaustively discarded, resulting in safety breaches, hallucinations, and context loss. Surprisingly, we find that preserving even a small amount of information contained in the evicted KV pairs via reduced precision quantization substantially recovers the incurred degradation. On the other hand, we observe that the important KV pairs must be kept at a relatively higher precision to safeguard the generation quality. Motivated by these observations, we propose \textit{Mixed-precision KV cache}~(MiKV), a reliable cache compression method that simultaneously preserves the context details by retaining the evicted KV pairs in low-precision and ensure generation quality by keeping the important KV pairs in high-precision. Experiments on diverse benchmarks and LLM backbones show that our proposed method offers a state-of-the-art trade-off between compression ratio and performance, compared to other baselines.

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