Emergent Mind


In this paper, we derive the improved uniform error bounds for the long-time dynamics of the $d$-dimensional $(d=2,3)$ nonlinear space fractional sine-Gordon equation (NSFSGE). The nonlinearity strength of the NSFSGE is characterized by $\varepsilon2$ where $0<\varepsilon \le 1$ is a dimensionless parameter. The second-order time-splitting method is applied to the temporal discretization and the Fourier pseudo-spectral method is used for the spatial discretization. To obtain the explicit relation between the numerical errors and the parameter $\varepsilon$, we introduce the regularity compensation oscillation technique to the convergence analysis of fractional models. Then we establish the improved uniform error bounds $O\left(\varepsilon2 \tau2\right)$ for the semi-discretization scheme and $O\left(hm+\varepsilon2 \tau2\right)$ for the full-discretization scheme up to the long time at $O(1/\varepsilon2)$. Further, we extend the time-splitting Fourier pseudo-spectral method to the complex NSFSGE as well as the oscillatory complex NSFSGE, and the improved uniform error bounds for them are also given. Finally, extensive numerical examples in two-dimension or three-dimension are provided to support the theoretical analysis. The differences in dynamic behaviors between the fractional sine-Gordon equation and classical sine-Gordon equation are also discussed.

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