Emergent Mind

GraphMatch: Subgraph Query Processing on FPGAs

Published Feb 27, 2024 in cs.DB and cs.AR


Efficiently finding subgraph embeddings in large graphs is crucial for many application areas like biology and social network analysis. Set intersections are the predominant and most challenging aspect of current join-based subgraph query processing systems for CPUs. Previous work has shown the viability of utilizing FPGAs for acceleration of graph and join processing. In this work, we propose GraphMatch, the first genearl-purpose stand-alone subgraph query processing accelerator based on worst-case optimal joins (WCOJ) that is fully designed for modern, field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware. For efficient processing of various graph data sets and query graph patterns, it leverages a novel set intersection approach, called AllCompare, tailor-made for FPGAs. We show that this set intersection approach efficiently solves multi-set intersections in subgraph query processing, superior to CPU-based approaches. Overall, GraphMatch achieves a speedup of over 2.68x and 5.16x, compared to the state-of-the-art systems GraphFlow and RapidMatch, respectively.

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