Emergent Mind

Reinforced In-Context Black-Box Optimization

Published Feb 27, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.NE


Black-Box Optimization (BBO) has found successful applications in many fields of science and engineering. Recently, there has been a growing interest in meta-learning particular components of BBO algorithms to speed up optimization and get rid of tedious hand-crafted heuristics. As an extension, learning the entire algorithm from data requires the least labor from experts and can provide the most flexibility. In this paper, we propose RIBBO, a method to reinforce-learn a BBO algorithm from offline data in an end-to-end fashion. RIBBO employs expressive sequence models to learn the optimization histories produced by multiple behavior algorithms and tasks, leveraging the in-context learning ability of large models to extract task information and make decisions accordingly. Central to our method is to augment the optimization histories with regret-to-go tokens, which are designed to represent the performance of an algorithm based on cumulative regret of the histories. The integration of regret-to-go tokens enables RIBBO to automatically generate sequences of query points that satisfy the user-desired regret, which is verified by its universally good empirical performance on diverse problems, including BBOB functions, hyper-parameter optimization and robot control problems.

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