Emergent Mind

Computing Functions of Symmetric Hierarchically Semiseparable Matrices

Published Feb 27, 2024 in math.NA and cs.NA


The aim of this work is to develop a fast algorithm for approximating the matrix function $f(A)$ of a square matrix $A$ that is symmetric and has hierarchically semiseparable (HSS) structure. Appearing in a wide variety of applications, often in the context of discretized (fractional) differential and integral operators, HSS matrices have a number of attractive properties facilitating the development of fast algorithms. In this work, we use an unconventional telescopic decomposition of $A$, inspired by recent work of Levitt and Martinsson on approximating an HSS matrix from matrix-vector products with a few random vectors. This telescopic decomposition allows us to approximate $f(A)$ by recursively performing low-rank updates with rational Krylov subspaces while keeping the size of the matrices involved in the rational Krylov subspaces small. In particular, no large-scale linear system needs to be solved, which yields favorable complexity estimates and reduced execution times compared to existing methods, including an existing divide-and-conquer strategy. The advantages of our newly proposed algorithms are demonstrated for a number of examples from the literature, featuring the exponential, the inverse square root, and the sign function of a matrix. Even for matrix inversion, our algorithm exhibits superior performance, even if not specifically designed for this task.

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