Emergent Mind


Dynamic graphs are extensively employed for detecting anomalous behavior in nodes within the Internet of Things (IoT). Generative models are often used to address the issue of imbalanced node categories in dynamic graphs. Nevertheless, the constraints it faces include the monotonicity of adjacency relationships, the difficulty in constructing multi-dimensional features for nodes, and the lack of a method for end-to-end generation of multiple categories of nodes. This paper presents a novel graph generation model, called CGGM, designed specifically to generate a larger number of nodes belonging to the minority class. The mechanism for generating an adjacency matrix, through adaptive sparsity, enhances flexibility in its structure. The feature generation module, called multidimensional features generator (MFG) to generate node features along with topological information. Labels are transformed into embedding vectors, serving as conditional constraints to control the generation of synthetic data across multiple categories. Using a multi-stage loss, the distribution of synthetic data is adjusted to closely resemble that of real data. In extensive experiments, we show that CGGM's synthetic data outperforms state-of-the-art methods across various metrics. Our results demonstrate efficient generation of diverse data categories, robustly enhancing multi-category classification model performance.

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