Emergent Mind

An Adversarial Robustness Benchmark for Enterprise Network Intrusion Detection

Published Feb 25, 2024 in cs.CR , cs.LG , and cs.NI


As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated, improving the robustness of Machine Learning (ML) models must be a priority for enterprises of all sizes. To reliably compare the robustness of different ML models for cyber-attack detection in enterprise computer networks, they must be evaluated in standardized conditions. This work presents a methodical adversarial robustness benchmark of multiple decision tree ensembles with constrained adversarial examples generated from standard datasets. The robustness of regularly and adversarially trained RF, XGB, LGBM, and EBM models was evaluated on the original CICIDS2017 dataset, a corrected version of it designated as NewCICIDS, and the HIKARI dataset, which contains more recent network traffic. NewCICIDS led to models with a better performance, especially XGB and EBM, but RF and LGBM were less robust against the more recent cyber-attacks of HIKARI. Overall, the robustness of the models to adversarial cyber-attack examples was improved without their generalization to regular traffic being affected, enabling a reliable detection of suspicious activity without costly increases of false alarms.

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