Emergent Mind

FGBERT: Function-Driven Pre-trained Gene Language Model for Metagenomics

Published Feb 24, 2024 in q-bio.GN , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Metagenomic data, comprising mixed multi-species genomes, are prevalent in diverse environments like oceans and soils, significantly impacting human health and ecological functions. However, current research relies on K-mer representations, limiting the capture of structurally relevant gene contexts. To address these limitations and further our understanding of complex relationships between metagenomic sequences and their functions, we introduce a protein-based gene representation as a context-aware and structure-relevant tokenizer. Our approach includes Masked Gene Modeling (MGM) for gene group-level pre-training, providing insights into inter-gene contextual information, and Triple Enhanced Metagenomic Contrastive Learning (TEM-CL) for gene-level pre-training to model gene sequence-function relationships. MGM and TEM-CL constitute our novel metagenomic language model {\NAME}, pre-trained on 100 million metagenomic sequences. We demonstrate the superiority of our proposed {\NAME} on eight datasets.

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