Emergent Mind

Learning Based NMPC Adaptation for Autonomous Driving using Parallelized Digital Twin

Published Feb 26, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.SY , and eess.SY


In this work, we address the problem of transferring an autonomous driving (AD) module from one domain to another, in particular from simulation to the real world (Sim2Real). We propose a data-efficient method for online and on-the-fly learning based adaptation for parametrizable control architectures such that the target closed-loop performance is optimized under several uncertainty sources such as model mismatches, environment changes and task choice. The novelty of the work resides in leveraging black-box optimization enabled by executable digital twins, with data-driven hyper-parameter tuning through derivative-free methods to directly adapt in real-time the AD module. Our proposed method requires a minimal amount of interaction with the real-world in the randomization and online training phase. Specifically, we validate our approach in real-world experiments and show the ability to transfer and safely tune a nonlinear model predictive controller in less than 10 minutes, eliminating the need of day-long manual tuning and hours-long machine learning training phases. Our results show that the online adapted NMPC directly compensates for disturbances, avoids overtuning in simulation and for one specific task, and it generalizes for less than 15cm of tracking accuracy over a multitude of trajectories, and leads to 83% tracking improvement.

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