Emergent Mind

Outline-Guided Object Inpainting with Diffusion Models

Published Feb 26, 2024 in cs.CV


Instance segmentation datasets play a crucial role in training accurate and robust computer vision models. However, obtaining accurate mask annotations to produce high-quality segmentation datasets is a costly and labor-intensive process. In this work, we show how this issue can be mitigated by starting with small annotated instance segmentation datasets and augmenting them to effectively obtain a sizeable annotated dataset. We achieve that by creating variations of the available annotated object instances in a way that preserves the provided mask annotations, thereby resulting in new image-mask pairs to be added to the set of annotated images. Specifically, we generate new images using a diffusion-based inpainting model to fill out the masked area with a desired object class by guiding the diffusion through the object outline. We show that the object outline provides a simple, but also reliable and convenient training-free guidance signal for the underlying inpainting model that is often sufficient to fill out the mask with an object of the correct class without further text guidance and preserve the correspondence between generated images and the mask annotations with high precision. Our experimental results reveal that our method successfully generates realistic variations of object instances, preserving their shape characteristics while introducing diversity within the augmented area. We also show that the proposed method can naturally be combined with text guidance and other image augmentation techniques.

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