Emergent Mind


In real-world environments, background noise significantly degrades the intelligibility and clarity of human speech. Audio-visual speech enhancement (AVSE) attempts to restore speech quality, but existing methods often fall short, particularly in dynamic noise conditions. This study investigates the inclusion of emotion as a novel contextual cue within AVSE, hypothesizing that incorporating emotional understanding can improve speech enhancement performance. We propose a novel emotion-aware AVSE system that leverages both auditory and visual information. It extracts emotional features from the facial landmarks of the speaker and fuses them with corresponding audio and visual modalities. This enriched data serves as input to a deep UNet-based encoder-decoder network, specifically designed to orchestrate the fusion of multimodal information enhanced with emotion. The network iteratively refines the enhanced speech representation through an encoder-decoder architecture, guided by perceptually-inspired loss functions for joint learning and optimization. We train and evaluate the model on the CMU Multimodal Opinion Sentiment and Emotion Intensity (CMU-MOSEI) dataset, a rich repository of audio-visual recordings with annotated emotions. Our comprehensive evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of emotion as a contextual cue for AVSE. By integrating emotional features, the proposed system achieves significant improvements in both objective and subjective assessments of speech quality and intelligibility, especially in challenging noise environments. Compared to baseline AVSE and audio-only speech enhancement systems, our approach exhibits a noticeable increase in PESQ and STOI, indicating higher perceptual quality and intelligibility. Large-scale listening tests corroborate these findings, suggesting improved human understanding of enhanced speech.

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