Emergent Mind


Quality Assurance (QA) aims to prevent mistakes and defects in manufactured products and avoid problems when delivering products or services to customers. QA for AI systems, however, poses particular challenges, given their data-driven and non-deterministic nature as well as more complex architectures and algorithms. While there is growing empirical evidence about practices of machine learning in industrial contexts, little is known about the challenges and best practices of quality assurance for AI systems (QA4AI). In this paper, we report on a mixed-method study of QA4AI in industry practice from various countries and companies. Through interviews with fifteen industry practitioners and a validation survey with 50 practitioner responses, we studied the concerns as well as challenges and best practices in ensuring the QA4AI properties reported in the literature, such as correctness, fairness, interpretability and others. Our findings suggest correctness as the most important property, followed by model relevance, efficiency and deployability. In contrast, transferability (applying knowledge learned in one task to another task), security and fairness are not paid much attention by practitioners compared to other properties. Challenges and solutions are identified for each QA4AI property. For example, interviewees highlighted the trade-off challenge among latency, cost and accuracy for efficiency (latency and cost are parts of efficiency concern). Solutions like model compression are proposed. We identified 21 QA4AI practices across each stage of AI development, with 10 practices being well recognized and another 8 practices being marginally agreed by the survey practitioners.

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